Originally Posted by Ezio View Post
See it's shit like this. If he had the goddamn nerve to do this on a clear mind.. Fuck..

No lie, but if that was my daughter getting raped, he'd be more than dead. Sad thing is the girl will never be the same again.
Still 10/10 dad.
What if the person would prefer to have his life ended instead of spending life in prison? Would that fall out of the scope of the question?

In my opinion life imprisonment seems like a lose-lose situation; you can never leave the place and you know you're going to die there. Others outside don't get anything out of it either. It just seems like needless torture, though of course if said inmates would be willing to help contribute to society then I don't see a problem. Unfortunately that's not how it works, is it?
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Which is why we give them treatment instead of throwing them in jails with shitty standards. The psychos need psychological attention, and if they're cured, they're free, and if they're not, they stay.
Now jails and psychological institututions aren't exactly known for being humane, but i believe shifting focus from punishing them towards treating them is the right way to go.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
While I agree wholeheartedly with you the problem with this is that you require the funds to set up these psychological institutions (With decent facilities, since we want to be moral here) and the ability to find staff actually willing to deal with this group of extremely unstable people.

On a side note, what about people whom end up in trouble due to illnesses such as depression (On top of psychopathy, of course)? What if they don't want to be treated? I don't think it's really that simple to cure someone who does not want to be helped.
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Originally Posted by DatSkip View Post
What if the person would prefer to have his life ended instead of spending life in prison? Would that fall out of the scope of the question?

In my opinion life imprisonment seems like a lose-lose situation; you can never leave the place and you know you're going to die there. Others outside don't get anything out of it either. It just seems like needless torture, though of course if said inmates would be willing to help contribute to society then I don't see a problem. Unfortunately that's not how it works, is it?

Others outside gain from it because they aren't endangered by that person locked away anymore.
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Originally Posted by Ezio View Post
Others outside gain from it because they aren't endangered by that person locked away anymore.

I meant that there isn't any extra upside that wouldn't be gained from the death penalty.
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I was reading the comments of a video and there seemed to have a lot of controversy over this issue so I thought it'd make a good discussion topic

Thoughts? How much (if at all) is the mother to blame?
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