Double: Really nice replay, very fluid movements. Would have you been sweet if you had gotten a boomhit with the first kick, but you make up with it with the next kick. I also thought the pose was very smexy. 8.5/10

Mine was pretty much the first madman I've ever done.
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The kicks looked sloppy, and the skeet could've been faster, move your arm (that is not throwing the body part) outwards to build momentum. 7/10
Here's an old one, I don't feel like making any new ones.
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Ky - Boom Smack Boom.rpl (171.4 KB, 11 views)
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
(was a bit..grabby)
I didn't like the 2nd...D;

some parkour..
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dance, parkour 1st attempt.rpl (614.2 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by carloz01; Mar 8, 2010 at 11:24 PM.
Best signature ever.
8/10. Saw some trouble on the jumps. I think it would look more stylish if you were more on your legs. Here's mine... I didn't put much effort into it and its probably not good haha... I could of made it longer but I got lazy so you ppls can edit it if you want. ;)
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Shadow - Toribash style.rpl (236.3 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by shadowboy; Mar 11, 2010 at 03:49 AM.
I liked it. Very entertaining. I saw how you stayed on your feet! I really like ukes flip in the middle, but you need to let yourself land a really heavy hit or two.

Scorpians sting: grabby blah blah blah. I like the kick that dms the hip and abs. I used contract knees to dm a bunch.
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Double- Scorpion's sting.rpl (126.5 KB, 8 views)

I woulda like it more if both arms DM'd from the beginning, but after that it only got sexier, and too much grab but u already said that :P


Heres my latest set
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!Mobi_AikidoBOOMPunch.rpl (38.3 KB, 7 views)
!Mobi_Tal3ntlessRunn3R.rpl (181.2 KB, 6 views)
!Mobi_SHAK3nN0TsTIRR3d.rpl (112.1 KB, 6 views)
i tried to get it to dm both... it didnt...

aikidoboompunch:.. the other player won? was this online or all you? if it was online, you suck... if not, good job! Flip it in the script so YOU win, not uke.

talentless runner: the run was nice, the first hit was nice, the dance was nice, and the pose was nice. The only thing i DIDNT like about this was your shoulders seemed glued to that position except for the first hit. Oh and make sure you stay up when you pose.

shaken not stirred: nice, short, sweet. Try not to keep your wrists contracted, because it doesnt look too good. I know how much you must have tried to get that last kick to dm, but if it doesnt work just dont do that last kick.

do you HAVE to name your replays with crazy #'s and stuff?

Mine was to be silly. Check it out.
i tried REALLY hard to throw my foot and dm, but i ended up using it as a club.
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Double- Skeetfeet.rpl (99.2 KB, 10 views)
That was creative. xD I liked it. That was a nice, strong skeet at the end. Good decap too, although it was a bit stiff. 9/10
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Gum - Red Speakers.rpl (128.9 KB, 10 views)
Gum - Chewy goodness.rpl (135.0 KB, 10 views)