Ten FACT S ABOUT army o
1, ur loyal
2, ive known u for along time (DTUS)
3, Ur a good Fighter
4,One of my best Akido Warriors
5, U have helped out the clan alot
6, U keep ur temper when poeple do dumb things
7, Alot of people like u
8, I repspect u as a friend and as a clan partner
9, I would be sad if u left
10 facts
Everyone Guess What we have enuff TC to get offical i am getting ready to send it all in............ When we start to get judged ill tell you ........... BE ON UR BEST BEHAVOIR IN GAME!!!!!! I DO NOT WANT THIS TO FAIL........... Now i am 4 real about this,,, any people that does not respect the rules will end up automatic KIK
Everyone i need you guy to go to that formus that we hae created alos srry for me triple posting its we r going into a informtive time.