Why should Death Plague consider you?:Because Vsauce invited me to this clan.
pharagraph: I am a friend of Vsauce,Matt76 we are best friends anyway i am a good guy when it comes to clans and i need a clan because my friend is here and i need to support him.
Best mod:Judo,AikidoBD
Referrals(who recommended you to join this clan): My friend "Vsauce"
How many times have you been banned or infracted:1x
Previous Clans:BWF
Why did you leave/get kicked out of the clans?:i left the clan because it was gonna fail.
Skills in TB community (Do you have anything else to add? Or special skills like making textures, video making, coding skills, etc.):I can make nice replays when i want to...
Also attach a singleplayer (classic.tbm) and a multiplayer (Classical mods or running) replay:Yes i like to make replays watch them below
Please post your Stats Card, which is viewable at the "Shop" tab at the top of the screen:
Attached Files
baz-16.rpl (113.3 KB, 4 views)
baz 17.rpl (552.7 KB, 3 views)
baz 32.rpl (120.6 KB, 4 views)
baz-1.rpl (113.1 KB, 3 views)
This is not discussion, Alert already told you to stop posting anything other then things that pertain to joining DP.



Last edited by alert242; Jun 17, 2011 at 03:42 PM.
I would but I do not have mod powas.

I also have not gotten an invite alert.
Last edited by chickawn; Jun 17, 2011 at 04:43 PM.
Age: 14
Why should Death Plague consider you?: because im good fighter, and good at replay making
Write one or two paragraphs about yourself.i can tun,dance,sparr,parkour
Best mod: Aikido, wushu, taekkyon
Referrals(who recommended you join this clan): no one recomended me
How many times have you been banned or infracted: 1 time for useless post :/
Previous Clans: i not have previus clans
Why did you leave/get kicked out of the clans?: hmmmm i not leave or kicked of the other clanc because i not have
Skills in TB community: Video Making(Learning)
Please post your Stats Card,

some replays
Attached Files
6.rpl (187.0 KB, 2 views)
13.rpl (145.2 KB, 2 views)
20.rpl (277.4 KB, 2 views)
21.rpl (337.6 KB, 2 views)
22.rpl (252.3 KB, 2 views)
My Fan Club 2ºacc Blendar
NO. reasons: green belt, never in a clan,we need good forum friendly people I.E.
people like alert, myself and matt
/ and others i dont pay enough attention. sorry
Last edited by thehawk; Jun 18, 2011 at 01:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
friends are cool, but neopets are better.