Why should Death Plague consider you?:Because Vsauce invited me to this clan.
pharagraph: I am a friend of Vsauce,Matt76 we are best friends
anyway i am a good guy when it comes to clans and i need a clan because my friend is here and i need to support him.
Best mod:Judo,AikidoBD
Referrals(who recommended you to join this clan): My friend "Vsauce"
How many times have you been banned or infracted:1x
Previous Clans:BWF
Why did you leave/get kicked out of the clans?:i left the clan because it was gonna fail.
Skills in TB community (Do you have anything else to add? Or special skills like making textures, video making, coding skills, etc.):I can make nice replays when i want to...
Also attach a singleplayer (classic.tbm) and a multiplayer (Classical mods or running) replay:Yes i like to make replays watch them below
Please post your Stats Card, which is viewable at the "Shop" tab at the top of the screen: