Originally Posted by 2pro4you View Post
fanty... Laziness isn't something we admire in this clan. HOW THE HECK did I become one of the leaders then xP and Mqqca totally yes from me Besides, that's definately one of the best applications I've seen in this new thread.. Might even be the best. I'll come ingame now to meet you just to see your skills too? :P

Well sure, my friends can wait. Thank you, btw. :P /jo mccqa. Nvm, no more. By the way, edited first post.
Last edited by Mccqa; Oct 23, 2012 at 04:16 PM.
Hmm, Hmm, I dont know man.
Now first of you should be not bad ingame since you have a full set and hair. Unless you payed those with USD.
Il say yes for now but i still want to c some replays sir.

I did like you app btw
Last edited by shrimp24; Oct 23, 2012 at 04:29 PM.
Originally Posted by shrimp24 View Post
Hmm, Hmm, I dont know man.
Now first of you should be not bad ingame since you have a full set and hair. Unless you payed those with USD.
Il say yes for now but i still want to c some replays sir.

Mr. shrimp, /jo mccqa , if you have time. I was marketing btw. :3
I say yes, though I can't see the first spoiler because it's not allowed in Germany. But you impressed me enough. And I agree with 2pro, best app in this thread.
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.
2pro, you need not to be asking me that. You were leader before I joined. But are you implying you don't care about applicants putting little to no effort in their applications? How do we know he/she really wants to join this clan if he/she doesn't take the time to make something worth reading? I'm not saying Mccqa didn't make a terrible application, I am stating it isn't enough for me.

Anak, the first spoiler is a song by Deadmau5...
Exactly. Copyright infringement, or some GEMA crap.
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.
Originally Posted by Anaklusmos View Post
Exactly. Copyright infringement, or some GEMA crap.

Use , or I'll throw another link, wait.

Edit: check now.
Last edited by Mccqa; Oct 23, 2012 at 04:51 PM.
@Mccqa: Yes from me. You're English might isn't the best, but you can improve.
Last edited by Pitch; Oct 23, 2012 at 06:15 PM. Reason: it was on purpose, but meh :<
Pitch... Dat grammar... (totally not a useless post!)

@Mccqa: Sorry I left a while before you came :S Now on again >:P You could aswell add me in skype for easier communicating Name NuubiXD and skype-name enska, I don't know which one is which but.. you'll find me. same to Jack
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
I dont use skype atm, i'll make an account right away
i think i already showed everybody that i would love to join hunters, i kept begging you people to test me, writed pm's, even looked for clan members in ALL the servers...
I'm not mad or something, you have the right to have an opinion and i respect that, no one can (or should) try to force you to change your mind but come on...
You dont have to base your opinion on how somebody writes the app, i think that only the effort , the attempt, does really mean something, and with attemp i mean writing the app, doing your very best to prove yourself, be honest and respect people...
Anyway it's jus t my opinion, take it for what it is
Last edited by JackCreed; Oct 23, 2012 at 07:23 PM.