i have no idea what you're referring to but those guys are sharp as fuck

Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
You are really obsessed with red swooshy lines now aren't you?

Your art tutorial is better than most out there xD

remind me what your legend item is....

Nothing yet. :v
Swooshylines aren't my idea though, and red is just because it stands out within a grey sketch. Any good artist would tell you that flow lines (as they're probably called) are good to use, but in particular, i nicked the term "swooshylines" from Android Arts, who also has one of the better art tutorials out there.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Holy damn that is a really detailed art tutorial.
I wish I had the talent to actually implement some of it.

You're art is now Immortalized in my avvy. Also another question. When did you first start art and is it something you would consider doing as a job?
I love you so much for that baguette. I salute you.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen

i have no idea how to salute properly

Originally Posted by sSLight View Post
shit son that is some art

aw shit son thanks bro <3
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
You're art is now Immortalized in my avvy. Also another question. When did you first start art and is it something you would consider doing as a job?

Ouf, i think i answered this before, but it depends on how we define starting art. My very first sprites were made back in early 2007, but they were obviously godawful. It wasn't until october 2008 that i began making progress towards not sucking every dick on the planet.
From then and until around february 2011, i pretty much only donked around with sprites and pixel "art". That month is where i started drawing free-hand with a mouse; more specifically, that's where i started drawing dorf comics.
And then, in june 2013, i finally got me a Wacom tablet. This is probably where it really took off, and in the recent days, it's going even faster because i'm finally starting to overcome my anxiety. So yeah, those are the important milestones. :v

Also, for the second part of the question, YES. Unfortunately, one has to be REALLY GOOD to actually make a living like this, or at least offer something that people would be willing to pay for in one way or the other. I wouldn't be doing all these doodles for y'alls if i didn't enjoy it, nor would i ever have gotten past kindergarten-tier drawings if i wasn't actually passionate about it.
Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
Holy damn that is a really detailed art tutorial.
I wish I had the talent to actually implement some of it.

I totally used to think like that as well, but as it is, anyone can learn to draw, just like how anyone can learn how to ride a bike. Well, unless you literally don't have legs, of course. :v
Originally Posted by Gruszex View Post
Draw a fist coz u didn't draw it for long time xD

oh mein gott hands are the evilest things but i need to practice them so here goes

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol