View Poll Results: Who should be the new assaulter ? (KnC) ONLY
1 Votes / 11.11%
7 Votes / 77.78%
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
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I would say Yes to Vaar , because i have seen him in game and he is a good and cool Dude , also he is friendly

You have my Yes Vaar
Improve your app.
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Originally Posted by tomczo2000 View Post
Improve your app.

^ that
Also, can someone make the link for the recruitment thread on the clan page lead to the first page instead of the absolute random 9th page....
Ign: Swag55
Belt:Orange... my old account was hacked i was a black belt
Best mod:Mushu, wushu, aikido, mostly official mods
previous clan: my hacked account was the clan core
country: America
belt:blue almost brown
mods i play are jousting,judo,mushu,and akido
previous clan is haze
contry: VT,USA
Hello im vaar 15 years old and i would like to join Knc.
i usually play in the mods ABD and xspar
i used to be a leader in the clan (Menace) till it got into rank 18th then i left it for a reason
and i after that me and some guys made the clan (Banned) and its still new and for some reason i left that too, but i bet with 2 guys like those 2 leading the clan, it will be a succsesful clan.
and i sometimes make sets and heads textures : o
lol i have no idea what other info i have to add to this app but let me know if its missing anything.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
K Vaar is invited but Swag and Myth pls make your applications Freeform or you :

Originally Posted by Kikipro:
Its free form. Do NOT put it in any kind of format or you will be instantly denied. Thanks.
hi im myth and i would like to join ur clan because im a really good player and i would do anything for the clan. i was in haze but it died and i left. my main mods are jousting akido and wushu
We need you guys to reeeeeeaaally put a lot more effort in, so far I'm not impressed by these 2 line free form applications.