If I was doing just a comic I would probably be more productive.
Working day is like, 17 h right? (I reduced 24h to 17h, 7h goes for sleeping) Now, 8 h for my work (Monday-Saturday) that's 9 h left for eating, hygiene, rest, watching TV, playing games (yes, I play games), posting on forum (posting on forum can take time u know, 1-2 h believe it or not) go to supermarket, make lunch, cleaning the house (rarely, but I do that)... That leaves me with? 4-5 h for Rift I guess if I work till late hours. Now lets see... Drawing very detailed image, good one, not the one done in a hurry:
3 h.
One image. Sometimes page have 3-4 images. Its: pencil - ink - color - more ink -shading - lots of layers - adding text - composing everything in PS - sending the not corrected version to SkulFuk - waiting for the corrections from SkulFuk - making corrections and posting again the finished version.
People, the guys who work this for living are doing 3 pages a week for 50 euros for page. I think I'm doing just fine considering that:
-2 weeks before I was under pressure from my regular work and having some private problems
week of inactivity with vacation (boring vacation, my I add)
- doing it for free
- doing it for you, and u are demanding (put me in, put me in, put me in!....)
Yes, I'm lazy. :} And Rift probably wold be published less if some woman would be around :}
Rift would be more easy to draw if I started it black&white. But, noooo, Bojan wants a fancy thing, la-la-la...
Book two and three will be black&white, with some special pages done in color. That's for sure!
Also, I have no life...
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Jul 20, 2010 at 09:10 AM.