In a world, where a large siege of inactivity has fallen upon the Aether board. One man, must gather the courage, to tell the clan to get their fucking shit together.
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No you shit he's obviously talking about adma
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Chilledon View Post
In a world, where a large siege of inactivity has fallen upon the Aether board. One man, must gather the courage, to tell the clan to get their fucking shit together.

In a world where we have a skype group and everybody is active within it....And where Chilled gets some damn sense and starts talking to people more...
Originally Posted by Chilledon View Post
In a world, where a large siege of inactivity has fallen upon the Aether board. One man, must gather the courage, to tell the clan to get their fucking shit together.

that man can be me if you have the money

the man to say that in a voice message i mean, i don't help anything