Bought Singed, Shaco, Evelynn, Janna last 2 weeks.
I am a fucking noob with Evelynn and Shaco.
I am decent with Singed.
I rule with Janna.
Playing support was never so fun, Master Yi was about to alpha strike out (dat AP build) half of my team health and I just throw a tornado at him and my teammates smashed his head to the ground.
Singed is pretty nice too, after getting a double kill at start (never follow singed, NEVER) it was easy late game, just using flint while poison is active, then slowing targets, then using flint again and poisoning, and slowing, and poisoning, and throwing people around etc etc.
Oh, and dat blue buff steal at start. CV on golem, flashing over a wall, flint golem away, kill jungler with low hp (fucking nidalee spear stole me a first blood) and then finish golem when he gets back to his spot.