Originally Posted by
It actually is a common build on Gangplank. I think it works fine and Pinheads is just being really nitpicky. I build him as a bruiser though because bruisers are incredible <3. Dat power, dat tanking potential <3
i build him atmogs in solo with gp5 itemsupport or wriggles depends on your position.
critplank is just squishy and my critchance when i am finished is about 60-70% at 4k health.
and bout 250-300 ad
glasscannon builds are so meh
tankplank is superior
and if you want to execute poking then pick galio/gragas/nidalee/any poker except gp sadly i am not focused and i could only think off ap poking D:
Originally Posted by
So, I'm probably going to be playing regularly. Didn't go negative once out of the 8 games or so I played today and in most of them I actually had quite high/game changing scores. One game was 18-2-7 or so as Udyr jungling (primal skin) and my ganks were literally unbeatable, ganked bot got a double kill, mid and killed swain and then another duo top. this was all at level 4 or so and could have only happened becasue of OP tiger/red buff.
Also, next game I win I get 6300 IP and need tips on which of these four champions to get...
- Shyvana
- Fizz
- Graves
- Volibear
Fizz looks the most fun imo but ishi plays him too much for me to be able to main, shyvana seems a bit different and also fun but not THAT good. Graves isn't played nearly as much as he was before but still can deal pretty good damage and has a -decent- chase/escape route mechanism. volibear from what i've seen can just stomp through teams. opinions?
i would personally advice you graves. he is fun to play badass and also viable solotop if you see your support is a douche.
if ishi wouldnt main fizz id advice you fizz most likely
shyvana isnt very viable and i dont like her too much:
shes just a baiting champ and not too fun to play but thats just my oinion
and sorry that i was so harsh i was a lil drunk-ish yesterday
since you can build the same masteries and runes on both planks youŽll be able to just adapt to the teamcomp and do your best.
but anyways my win% and k/d was much higher with tankplank
Last edited by pinheads; Dec 8, 2011 at 07:38 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump