Sorry for the "off-topic"... But, how can i gain the "private forum" password? D:
Need to be gay or what?
Also, I saw my name on lastest page... I'm so happy e.e
WHAAAAAAT. That is illogical, because it is big enough to satisfy Joanna? Ahhhh. Also, I bet my pinky is longer than your dick <3 Only because I am a guitarist xD
Also, did you find the file with the thing I asked for?
Last edited by Mookiefish; Jul 23, 2010 at 04:17 PM.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee
It was beyond my control :P
What do u expect when u constantly asking me to draw XXX scenes, and I said that we stay on topic and lay off with the constant joking. Anyway, yes, to answer your question. Will do it today.