
name - Redridge

belt - Brown

country - romania(speaking greek too)

past clans - no1

Why did u choose holy - really dunno maybe the instict told me

GMT - +1

Other - im texturing kinda well and making sigs avys etc
Attached Files
face to face.rpl (24.6 KB, 3 views)
Like my avy? i can make u one just pm me:)
name - Darohorn
belt - brown(almost black)
country-like redridge
past clan-SHT
why did you choose holy - I think they r great.Added that i like the tag.
GMT - +1
Other-really dunno

i really dunno what replays to put .i do magnificent kills in judo and aikido but never save
Attached Files
Super Jump.rpl (8.4 KB, 4 views)
Im pretty sure it happend at the tourney. I remember seeing people bickering about who was better: HoLy, or DTUS. Then someone said clan war? All i remember. Any1 elts?
do u remember if u saw any 1 of us in the tourney cuz maybe he started a war with the DTUS ? Make sure. We still need more evidence or meet the clan DTUS to talk about this.
does that junoir member mean im in?
Last edited by lootlover2; Oct 4, 2009 at 11:33 AM. Reason: fixing mistake i just saw
Guys, you should work on ranking system. Like iCoF has. Rather then being [HoLy]52x32x52x1, I can be somthing like Cpl[HoLy]52x32x52x1