Hi, is there an easy way to figure out what moves were done from a .rpl file?

I opened the one I wanted to analyse in .txt format, and was presented with a load of numbers. Is there a good way to make sense of these?
I'm pretty sure there is but it doesn't have anything to do with mods

i think there's a tutorial on it the tutorials forum and i think there's also a lua script that can take moves from replays(not sure about that though)
Fast question
how i can make the 2 players face the same side ?

like this :


Engagerotation dosen't help

Use engageplayerpos for that.

Try putting in 3,0,0,0,0,0
That should put you and uke beside each other.
Thanks, i get really confused when it comes to playerpos

Edit: Playerpos seems to work in Game Rules only ... not in .tbm files, any ideas ?
Last edited by Function-X-; Nov 28, 2008 at 06:08 AM.

how do I make mods? (I already know how to make the script I just don't know how to make it a working mod)