btw, he refused to sent but he sent the tc's a while ago after ban warning and 2 days waiting. and yes, he has an alt 1FrozeN1 and some othes.
So, i think.. /kick. But let's wait for TheAnimal. Also if it's not true it still makes the clan bad. And i think you, nblx, would not just say that just because lolz. And also if tdog is saying that.. hmm.. a bye bye for him from me for sure. Also i never saw him ingame or on the forums.

I saw him, he ain't bad person just heard ppl saying that...
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

This sort of stuff is always terrible to read.
I hate it when people scam , especially those in my clan , but he's in the clan and i'd defend him , but what's wrong is wrong so he should be dealt with accordingly .
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
I think we should wait for more information and he should tell us here what happend and also we should wait what animal says.
Actually I think we should hold a poll to see if he gets a second chance ( unless this is his scone a chance ) to change his ways but if he does it again he gets insta kicked.
Lol I know Your jelly yeah........
Originally Posted by SXDave View Post
And i think you, nblx, would not just say that just because lolz.


Not lolz. I visited your clanboard cause of butthurt.
I'll tell you one story. Frozen was in our clan, and we got incident with him. He duel scammed one guy from ussr, something about 600k tc's. It was a year or so ago. He just got no those tc's and I gave mine for him to not shame our clan. I take a promise from him, that he wont do stupid things. And kicked him from the clan as a punishment.
As I know, after that, he catch several bans for scams and he was dueling tc's he dont have.
But it was ok unless he was trying to scam one guy from our clan these days. Or i dont know what he was trying to do or prove by not sending tc's he has this time. May be he was testing his patience, or wanted him begging, idk.
I thought he grew up. But after such disrespect, I guess I was wrong. He continues to make troubles.
So I just came to warn you guys. And may be i'm wrong anyway.
p.s. Ok, im gone this time, cya ingame.
Last edited by nblx; May 12, 2013 at 08:32 AM.
Não lolz. Visitei sua causa clanboard de butthurt.
Vou lhe contar uma história. Congelada estava em nosso clã, e temos incidente com ele. Ele duelo enganado um cara da URSS, algo sobre 600k de tc. Foi um ano ou mais atrás. Ele simplesmente não tem os tc do e eu dei o meu para ele não envergonhar nosso clã. Eu tomo uma promessa dele, que ele não vai fazer coisas estúpidas. E chutou do clã como um castigo.
Como eu sei, depois disso, ele pegar várias proibições para golpes e ele estava duelando tc de que não tenho.
Mas foi ok, a menos que ele estava tentando enganá um cara do nosso clã nestes dias. Ou eu não sei o que ele estava tentando fazer ou provar por não enviar tc do que tem neste momento. Pode ser que ele estava testando sua paciência, ou queria que ele implorando, idk.
Pensei que ele cresceu. Mas depois de tanto desrespeito, eu acho que eu estava errado. Ele continua a fazer problemas.
Então, eu só vim aqui para avisar a vocês. E pode ser que eu esteja errado mesmo.
ps Ok, eu fui embora desta vez, cya ingame.

If you want a 'ban' for it, here is not the place for that, anyway already understand what you want to tell us.
| Selling tc | badass | Spaghetti 4ever | Undead | TMO | Money Fuckin maker | inactive |