Originally Posted by soutarjw View Post
Age: 16
Forum Activity [1/10]
8 (I know I don't post much but I'm on the forums every hour nearly :P )
Ingame Activity [1/10] 9
Country & Timezone: UK, UTC+00:00
Past Clans: None
A Little Paragraph About Your Self: I live in Scotland and started playing Toribash 2 years ago, I then had to take a MASSIVE break from Toribash because of irl issues and stuff I had to deal with, I'm back though and training harder than ever, I have goals on Toribash and I'm aiming for the top!
What Makes You A Monk: I'm guessing this is the same as "What can you bring to the clan?" Well I'm very active and an all-round good player, and would love to join your clan since it's the clan that stands out the most on Toribash :3
Best Modes: Aikido, Judo and ABD

Well, I feel like an asshole for leaving Monk a day or two ago. Without even saying anything. I wanted to start my own can with a friend but it didn't go well so I'm back? I can understand if you don't want me back :/

If you want another application I will make one because most of my old one is months old etc.

Hoping for your forgiveness.

Regards - Soutarjw
The road to success is always under construction.

Open me.

O_o I didnt realised that you leave.. you didnt say anything!!
Hmm.. due the fact, that you're an old member.. I'll invite you again.
Thank you BBKing! ~<3 I really don't deserve it.
The road to success is always under construction.

Open me.

Hey all! so i was in the famous clan Soutarjw and his friend wanted to pull off, but eheh he already said it failed. I actually found out it died by looking at the clan he is in now. I then noticed how i saw many of you in game and always thought The Monastery was a badass name because it makes me think of those monasteries up in the montains in Tibet, where the monks thrive and are generally busy being awesome. I have been clanless for ages, but i now decided it was time to be an active part of the community, and for me this is the place to do it.

Real name : Matteo
age : 19
member since : I started playing toribash in 2009, until one day i grew bored of it and forgot the game for two whole years. Unluckily last month i had a car accident that basically destroyed my kneecap so my plans to join the army blew away for this year (fuggg). Since i am spending most of my time home for the time being i thought it would have been nice to play TB once again and i fell in love with it another time with renewed passion.
most liked game mods : i have always been addicted to aikido. Pretty much 80% of the time i spend on tb is aikido time.
About me : I come from Italy, but my english doesn't seem to be that bad. In fact i actually enjoy speaking to strangers in english (i live close to Rome so full of tourists to speak with) Fun fact: i learnt the language mainly on Toribash! I have a passion for flight, cooking and military life, and absolutely love to be around people and am a very open person.
what makes me a monk : The orange vest and the bald head. Jokes aside i am a Monk because i share with you guys the love for this game, the will to partecipate in an active, nice and well-balanced community as yours seems to be, and the constant effort to better myself, both in-game and in life.

Thanks for your time! hope we can all play togheter one day and be busy at being awesome like the real monks up in the mountains
Oooh, yeah, you got me hooked on reading that awsum app :o :o

Seeing that you wanna do this stuff and be an active part of the community, and seeing that you have experience in this game, I have no doubts about inviting you

Welcome to The Monastery, and share with our blessings of awesomeness xD
Heart of Gold
1.Alden Sayidina
4.ForumActiveAnd IngameEveryday
5.Contry Brunei
6.Past ClanNone
7.Best Mod ABD,Mushu And Rkamma
Im not a recruiter but i wanna warn you that he scammed 50k and has like 2-3 alt accounts that are banned, ferras just came and askt him to give the stuff back. so its a NO from me
Last edited by kratos2121; Nov 5, 2014 at 05:17 PM.
Originally Posted by WadenLegend View Post
1.Alden Sayidina
4.ForumActiveAnd IngameEveryday
5.Contry Brunei
6.Past ClanNone
7.Best Mod ABD,Mushu And Rkamma

Originally Posted by kratos2121 View Post
Im not a recruiter but i wanna warn you that he scammed 50k and has like 2-3 alt accounts that are banned, ferras just came and askt him to give the stuff back. so its a NO from me

You're definitly not in..