Hey, Im the grolt im decided make an app.
I'm 4th black belt i love spar,and parkour.I'm make Black Flips and runs use my creativity to think of new runs and love to all without give up.I want help this clan to grow for I will be In-Forum all day ...
My,real name is Alan Everyone calls me Alanzy ...
and a very ugly name I know that.I have many friends who have registered in Monastery.But left over time.I know how to speak many languages.Espanhol, Brazil, Chinese (I'm still learning), and Argentina.I am always online to help.
Q I liked the Tag.Me draw more visitors to come to this clan.
I really enjoyed this clan and want to be recruited.WARNING am alt
my old clans were the (Ultra) [elite] and (fish) I was banned
I'm posting really old replays. After my inactivity I made some replays but my laptop broke, so I had to buy a new one and lost everything. I managed to rescue some that I had posted in my replay thread.
I think the "Lews.RPL"(Ping timed out) my friend went is a replay I made for one of your events, and the last file is the mod for the skating replay.
The reason why I want to join this clan is because I still remember how the pros where in this clan like Timmy. I always wanted to be in a clan full of really great aikido and other mod players because I thought I could get more experience out of it and get to be friends with this people.
The reason why I want to join this clan is because I still remember how the pros where in this clan like .
Anyways I cant say I can provide much for this great clan that already has ingame skill and forum experience.
thanks read my app!