Example Video
Clan Members
Clan History
Clan Outfit
Clan Moves
Santanos Ultimate List
Battle History
Clan Tournaments
This is the Uchiha Stone Tablet. Use your Sharingan to read the ancient scripts. It contains techniques like hand cannons, snake-arms, pistol shots, snipers, transformations, glitch mechanisms, hand-teleportations, head cannons, snapshots, double-swords, rotation moves and more. You can add new techniques, create your own individual variations and pass on your knowledge to your brothers and sisters of the Uchiha Clan.
Example Video
We try to keep the twinsword4fixed.tbm mod looking fresh with original moves and such. This clan is here for people to learn and create their own moves as well as having fun.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clan Members
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clan History
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clan Outfit
Here you will find the best collection of moves and tricks in twinsword4fixed.tbm that has been put together so far. If you invent or record great new moves, send a message with the commands and a screenshot to Santanos.
Clan Moves
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Santanos Ultimate List
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Battle History
Clan Tournaments
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