who gave you the report? tricerafi?
and how come youre requesting single allie in them?
wow.. why are you guys being so mean?
the reason why I left guardians is because im not regular member material
I have the potential to run and to create a great clan
its nothing personal, Guardians is a great clan but I would rather have my own clan where everything is the way I want it to be
and I would also like to be friends with all of you but the moment I said im making Fantasy you started calling me a fag? calling me a clan hoper? saying that I dont know how to act and that I steal money from my old clans bank?.. wth guys =/ ..
judge for yourselves who i am, dont listen to other people that's just out to mess it up for others
I've been nothing but nice to everyone since the moment I got here you have no right to call me all the things that you call me
someone said that what I did here should be reported?.. you are the ones in danger of getting infracted right now
Some secret of mine