Hi my name is IceWariorZ and I am a black belt and I have never had any bans or infractions. The only past clan I have been in was Eternity and I left because when I originally joined it, I wanted to just have friends in the clan and have fun. As I have advanced, I still want those things but now I also want some competition. I want to join this clan because I feel that you guys are very generous and kind, this is based off of your tourneys and the one person in you clan that I kind of know, which is BleachMe. Zone should want me in your clan because I am a decent player that is pretty active in game, and starting to be more active on the forums. I also have good sportsmanship (gg ect.) and I am usually very nice
My best mods are-Judo and RunKido. My worst mods are-Akido Big Dojo and Wushu.
https://cache.toribash.com/usercard/1...ariorz.png?252 By the way it says my rank is 0 (at least to me) and as much as I wish it was true, I am actually Black Belt rank 25700. (Or something around that)
About me-Hi I am IceWariorZ, a person that travels a lot and loves video games. I also enjoy tennis and watching tennis. Basically any type of video game appeals to me as long as it is good quality (not meaning graphics) and lots of fun. I tried Toribash like 2 or 3 years ago and suddenly stopped because I only played free-play, (Dont ask me why, that was 2 years ago) and after a while, that did get boring. I tried it again when my friends were looking for f2p games and I love it My all time favorite video game is Borderlands 2, it has everything a fantastic game needs, and more (like randomly generated weapons). In addition to all of this about video games, I play an instrument and am in the band. I like music quite a bit but cannot stand dub-step and raps, (surprisingly). I hope you will take my application into consideration and take the time to read through everything I have written. Thanks.
EDIT-I only have 2 replays since I deleted all my old ones when I upgraded to 4.5 (on accident), Ill make a 3rd now.
Hi my name is IceWariorZ and I am a black belt and I have never had any bans or infractions. The only past clan I have been in was Eternity and I left because when I originally joined it, I wanted to just have friends in the clan and have fun. As I have advanced, I still want those things but now I also want some competition. I want to join this clan because I feel that you guys are very generous and kind, this is based off of your tourneys and the one person in you clan that I kind of know, which is BleachMe. Zone should want me in your clan because I am a decent player that is pretty active in game, and starting to be more active on the forums. I also have good sportsmanship (gg ect.) and I am usually very nice
My best mods are-Judo and RunKido. My worst mods are-Akido Big Dojo and Wushu.
https://cache.toribash.com/usercard/1...ariorz.png?252 By the way it says my rank is 0 (at least to me) and as much as I wish it was true, I am actually Black Belt rank 25700. (Or something around that)
About me-Hi I am IceWariorZ, a person that travels a lot and loves video games. I also enjoy tennis and watching tennis. Basically any type of video game appeals to me as long as it is good quality (not meaning graphics) and lots of fun. I tried Toribash like 2 or 3 years ago and suddenly stopped because I only played free-play, (Dont ask me why, that was 2 years ago) and after a while, that did get boring. I tried it again when my friends were looking for f2p games and I love it My all time favorite video game is Borderlands 2, it has everything a fantastic game needs, and more (like randomly generated weapons). In addition to all of this about video games, I play an instrument and am in the band. I like music quite a bit but cannot stand dub-step and raps, (surprisingly). I hope you will take my application into consideration and take the time to read through everything I have written. Thanks.
EDIT-I only have 2 replays since I deleted all my old ones when I upgraded to 4.5 (on accident), Ill make a 3rd now.