Dude, this is my favorite one.
You: Sup
Stranger: hi imm mia
You: I'm Brian
Stranger: awsoeme name
You: I know a mia
You: It would be freaky if you were that person
Stranger: kool i kno a brian
Stranger: ya it would whats my last name?
You: Don't remember, but I do know you have a brother named steven
You: or something
You: are you that mia
You: ?
Stranger: i do have a bro named steven
Stranger: whoa frreaky
You: The only way to know if it is really you.
You: Is
You: What is your sisters name?
Stranger: dont have oone so maybe its not me
You: Is your brother in England?
Stranger: Ya? how did u kno if ur not my brian
Stranger: thats way freaky
You: hmm
You: Age?
Stranger: not telling you thats to peraonal
Stranger: ow old am i?
You: 14 turning 15
Stranger: :O omg ys
Stranger: im scareed aree u my stalker
You: If you're the mia I know, I'd say more of a friend
Stranger: lol
You: This will decide
You: This question
You: I will know for sure
Stranger: okay what is it
You: The Mia I know has a runescape account, which her brother gave her. What is the username?
Stranger: sorry i dont have one
Stranger: so im not your mia
You: Freaky
Stranger: what?
You: Just the weird coincidental facts
Stranger: ya that it freaky lol
You: Anyways, I'm 53, eat babies, and love buttsex
Stranger: okay bye
You: wait
Stranger: what>
Stranger: ?
You: Do you like buttsex? I love buttsex. I want to ram my dick into your ass and just ram ram ram ram ram
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
This one was.... very... unexpected.
Stranger: Hello
You: Before we get started, I would like to ask you a question
You: Maybe 2 questions
Stranger: As long as it's not ASL I'm game
You: Do you like hard throbbing sweaty cock?
Stranger: On my own person, I appreciate it sometimes
You: Do you like buttsex?
Stranger: From one direction, I would like to try it
Stranger: You do realize I can't help you out over the internet, however
You: You passed the test my friend
You: You're the first not to disconnect
Stranger: Hahahaha
You: from those silly questiosn
Stranger: People get easily frightened
You: Which I may add were just trying to pull your leg
Stranger: Yes, I connected this
Stranger: Well now that you know I'm not an insecure teenager
Stranger: How's life?
You: Eh
You: Trying
You: Times are hard
You: I can't sustain a job long
Stranger: Brother, most of us can relate right now
Stranger: I can't even get a job
Stranger: Pathetic as it may sound, I'm still living on ancestral funds
You: We gotta make it somehow
Stranger: i.e. my parents are buying my food
Stranger: They say now that childhood ends at 25
Stranger: So I guess I have three more years
You: Enjoy them
Stranger: Heh. Wish I was
You: They are laying alot of people off at budweiser
You: So I might be nexy
Stranger: Including you?
You: next
Stranger: Ah
Stranger: Well, best of luck
You: Yeah
Stranger: Layoffs are cruel
Stranger: I grew up in California during the .com bust
Stranger: So I know this pretty well
You: You know, there is this guy named fred in my department
You: Well
You: We needed a new assistant manager
You: but fred doesn't say anything
You: so this new guy named Joa
You: joe
You: gets the position
You: now fred is profusely showing jealousy
You: and making us all pissed
You: He is going to lose it
Stranger: Well shit
Stranger: That's one nice thing about unemployment, no office drama
Stranger: The bad thing is....no office drama, I guess. Turns out life collapses quite a bit without some kind of structure
Stranger: That's what happened to me, anyway
You: Ah
You: What was your previous job?
Stranger: College student. I didn't get fired, I graduated
Stranger: So I guess I sound like a prick for whining
You: No you're fine
You: I should have gone to college
You: Unfortunately
You: I didn't have the money
Stranger: It's worth it if you like science
Stranger: I really did get a kick out of geology. Still do, but not professionally
You: Well, I was a bit of a computer wizard if you know what I mean
You: Maybe I could go to ITT tech
You: But... it may be to late for me
Stranger: Nah that's a scam
Stranger: Computer wizardry, though?
Stranger: Always seemed like a fairly self-starting practice, you know?
Stranger: I know quite a few people who made it big in that field, and they graduated with BAs in English
You: Yeah, but I'm only good at computer repair, manual virus removal etc
Stranger: Know any good computer repair stores?
You: No, but maybe I could work at Dell corp
You: I'm sure they get alot of calls
Stranger: Not the worst thing you could do
Stranger: You'd probably improve the average quality there
You: Well, I called there once
You: because there was just one damn virus I couldn't get out
Stranger: happens to the best of us
You: it was named Killer or something
You: and so I called
You: And I'm on hold for over an hour
Stranger: jesus!
You: listening to the automated machines and what not
You: Then, I actually speak to an agent
You: but It's a indian guy who could barely speak enlgish
You: *English
Stranger: So maybe you'd just get outsourced there anyway
Stranger: Where do you live? If you can find a decent independent hardware place, maybe needs some skilled workers....
Stranger: Figure it's better to work practically
You: I live in Virginia
You: How about you?
Stranger: California
You: Right
Stranger: So at the very least I do have plenty of hardware repair stores
Stranger: Not that I know anything about computers. 'Cept typing and stealing music
You: I heard alot of people pay big money for computer repair
You: Ha, I hear ya
Stranger: My biggest problem right now ain't about skills though
Stranger: This may sound shallow but it's my freaking social life! Out of college I got jack and shit
Stranger: Turns out you really do need friends to make friends
Stranger: Know what I mean? It's frustrating as hell.
You: Yeah
You: Well
You: Not very shallow
You: we all feel that way
You: In a sense we all want to be known and be an individual
Stranger: I've got that second part down, at least
Stranger: But it's getting to the depth that I can't even really do things
Stranger: Midnight showing of Troll 2 at a local theater? Nope, no one to see it with
Stranger: Backpacking? Lonely AND unsafe
Stranger: and such
You: Yeah, never know what will happen when you're backpacking
Stranger: To be fair I did try soloing it once
You: Ha, maybe you would see me driving around in the 18 wheeler
Stranger: Felt too sketchy to repeat
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: In Big Sur? Yeah, good luck with those grades!
You: Hahaha
Stranger: Do you have an 18 wheeler though? I'd like to try that
You: Well, it's the companies
You: But I have to drive it
Stranger: Fun!
Stranger: At least, for me. Driving is something of a passion
You: You have to hear the v8 in this thing
You: man what a rush
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: Fantastic
Stranger: Never driven a really good engine before
Stranger: I'm more of the budgeted consumer. Used car road trips, that kind of thing
You: Ever drive a dodge charger from 1969?
Stranger: Ooof. I wish
You: Ohhh man it is scary at first
Stranger: hahaha
You: I almost shit bricks after I hit the gas
Stranger: 3 Gs against the seat?
Stranger: Yeah that's a fun feeling
You: haha
You: Well look man, I have to leave in 4 hours for work
You: You take care
You: It was fun talking
Stranger: Oh hey, night shift
Stranger: Yeah, you too
Stranger: Peace
You: Yeah man
You: cya
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
And this one, it just got straight up fucking wrong. I expected the person to disconnect...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hye
You: What's up?
Stranger: asl?
You: You first ;)
Stranger: 49 male alaska wby boo
You: 57 male Texas lets get it on
Stranger: got a fb babyboy
You: Yeah
You: Hold on
You: You like buttsex?
Stranger: yes
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/...3710718&ref=ts fb link
You have disconnected.
I never check that link of his. I gave him a random name of facebook and probably left the victim I give him.. with a pedo.
Last edited by Mookiefish; Jul 24, 2010 at 07:59 AM.