Toribash is boring, we can honestly agree that I'm the best, you're all noobs, bow down to your leader bitches
R.I.P Sean (bobsanders147) i'll miss you man, we all love you and miss you.
Originally Posted by spitfire123ism View Post
Toribash is boring, we can honestly agree that I'm the best, you're all noobs, bow down to your leader bitches

What if i dont want to be an asshole?

oh and can someone please help me change my username into my other profile name, ttheenderr?
[18:55] <Moop> congrats on the official *Moop returns to joshjoshua*
[18:55] <~Nugget> wait wht... josh you're stupid
I just don't like my current username. Can I have a loan? Later I'll get to buy tc... I'll buy the tc I loan near Christmas.
[18:55] <Moop> congrats on the official *Moop returns to joshjoshua*
[18:55] <~Nugget> wait wht... josh you're stupid
Damn nigga chill about your name.
Also what kind of music do you guys like? And what's your favorite song?
Last edited by spitfire123ism; Nov 22, 2014 at 02:02 AM.
R.I.P Sean (bobsanders147) i'll miss you man, we all love you and miss you.
Stefan is probably a weirdo, anyway. I listen to mainly metal songs, but also I tend to no-life certain anime openings. My current favorite is Let Me Hear by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.