The reason why I said that School is a waste of time, and that I won't need most of what I learned in School, is because, they teach you useless things, that you literally won't need to know, in the future, they teach you maths, you know... the difficult maths like "(x2+1)(x2−1)" when will you EVER need to right that? They also teach you about Henry VIII in school, when they could be teaching me how to write a Check, or the Laws on my own country, or how to get a job, or learn how to pay TAX and I have never been taught my Human Rights and I am in Year 10.
I think it's VERY dumb how they teach you the most useless things, when I could be learning how to LIVE, how to use first aid. I am being taught poetry, when I could be learning how to make a business, I am being taught metal maths, when I could be learning about how to help a depressed friend or saving someone's life.
School is a waste of my childhood, I am not learning anything, I am being taught stupid, and useless things, when I could be learning something that actually mattered.