Yeah, making it into a good college, God if I can go back and re-do high school, I would. I fucked up way too much my freshman and sophomore year :/
Ruins about the point you made earlier. The reason why schools do that is because your understanding of hard to grasp concepts like for instance Factorising Quadratics - is reflected for both you and employers to see. And of course for if you want to get a carrier in the field of maths but for those that don't it's a good way of testing you're overall intelligence. Same applies to almost everything not just maths.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
At this point in my life I wish I was never educated and just set free into the wild. it's cool being able to articulate my thoughts but I would much rather sleep when I want, forage for my food and die young than live in this society.
A society where you can be put in jail for being naked in public.
A society where if you don't dress the way people want you to you won't be able to get a job and eat.
I never agreed to this it was forced upon me and yet they say we are free? sure we are free to do what we like, but if we like to do the wrong things we won't be free for long.

It's not worth it man.

And the best thing about it is that thanks to medicine we now get to live unnaturally long lives and work 10 hours a day until we can finally retire at age 65 and enjoy arthritis, dementia, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's. and our kids probably will never come visit us cuz they'll be too busy going through the same damned cycle.

I ment to post "hey guys what's up", idk what happened lol.
I'm not even sure if what I posted is true, it's not really that bad I swear. At least we have beer !

Any way what do you all enjoy doing for recreation?
Last edited by RAAAGE; Apr 10, 2016 at 02:06 PM.
I know some things that they teach me in school can be useful, but I would prefer if they taught me more things, things that will get me confident for the future in life, like as I said, they teach you mental maths, but they don't teach me how to write out a check? or about the Laws of the country I live in? don't you think that should be taught at my age? because if I don't know my laws, I would be screwed when I leave school, because I might break a law that I never knew, or write a check, I wouldn't be able to pay someone or give someone money, I will also be screwed on that.
A) Did you watch the music thing i sent Ruins?

B) Mental math is partially important because you need to figure out what 20% of a bill is to tip the waitress am i right :P And I think they teach us these things to try to get us to become higher jobs like a scientist where most of the skills we learned could be used.
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
That's called college I'm pretty sure, grade school is like a "prep". Also confidence is self built and helped through socializing which you learn through school in general.
I think we should just move on from that conversation now, I just wanted to say what I think about the education these days and then it to be finished after 2-3 reply's on it.

Anyway, how has everyone been today?
I've had it ok thanks. I go back to school the day following tomorrow because tomorrow is staff training day. Things been working for you? Also I haven't seen Eddy in a while have you?
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*