I had a build like that, Chris.
And I had Armor Penetration quints.
But I started with Dorans blade to outstand my opponents on top.
More dmg, lifesteal and hp. Really nice 1st item.
Then went for vampiric scepter, boots of speed and jungled.
After the jungle routine, ganked top and bot. And get berserkers greaves and infinity edge as soon as possible.
After that a phantom dancer.
And believe me, it's a hell lot better than you'rs what you wrote out there.
I have like all skins for Tryndamere. One of my mains. Tested all kinds of builds for him, and the one I wrote here was the best.
Now I have a new build for the upcoming patch. Wriggles Lantern shall convert tons of damage to your hp, give you perfect farming, and a ward just in case.
If you're vs a xin zhao on top, who has heal exhaust. Try to catch the moment when he puts the exhaust on you, and run back.
If you have over 50% hp left, you can easily farm the minions under your turret and get up to 75% hp at least, then get the moment when xin jumps on you. Just attack him, esspecially if you have at least 50% rage.
When you get 100% rage, you have 50% of critical chance or so.
Okay, back to xin, he'll do his combo, and you'll give him about 4-5 crits and make a lot more damage than he made to you. If he runs away in 40% hp use exhaust and take the kill. If not, just run after him.
After that you easily go jungling and take dragon with ease in lvl 6-7.
You're allies will rape bottom then aswell.
Last edited by Lexx; Dec 11, 2011 at 01:46 AM.