View Poll Results: Diman1995 member or not?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
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Sounds good, it is kind of annoying going through endless posts of spam outside the clan board and they get punnished for it, so why put up with it in here.

Theres not that much spam in here though. =/
lol a common mistake people always do...that why always "Read The First Post"
Who the bloody sig edited my fuck.
Seriously? Again?
Iceman21 left here for DIAF like 4 weeks ago. He even has his own DIAF house. Why the hell is he still on the list?
Xeros - dunno
T1tchy - dunno
DuaneGomez - giving away account soon at a hybrid tourney
Janovjev - active
Lowboyxr - dunno
Dharg - i seen him in a server 2 days ago
Teacozzy - dunno
Rave555 - dunno
Dethreaper - active (I think)

Thats all i know so far. :P