Originally Posted by Dinobro123 View Post
Past Clans: (daunt),[Ascend]I left both of the clans due to inactivity in the members.
What do you enjoy most about toribash:I truly enjoy the sense of freedom in toribash.This is what I believe sets it apart from other games.I also enjoy the community which is fun to be around and interact with.
What can you bring to [eVo]?:I have skills in tk,aikido,abd,and greykido.I also am a fun person who like to joke around but is serious when need be.
Why choose [eVo]:Evo is clan with many experienced players and active members.
Tell us about yourself:I am not permitted to tell this information for it may compromise agents on the field(not really it is just because of past hacking issues)
No eVo member requested me.

You dont need to share names/locations. Things you like to do, hobbies, work, or anything about your personality should cover the "about yourself" section just nice.
Last edited by Eddy; May 4, 2015 at 11:26 AM. Reason: fixed

What do you most enjoy about Toribash?replay making
What can you bring to [eVo]?:replay making
Why choose [eVo]?I want to join eVo because its a good clan
Tell us about yourself:I am very good gamer and i also do sports
Replays:now you see him now you dont.rpl

power punch.rpl

get flipped.rpl
Im back....... so yeah
Asdguy- Please elaborate on what you mean by "good clan". As far as your replays, I wasn't that impressed, i'd like to see more understanding on control in general. So right now for me it's a no. I want to see what skill in replay making you can offer. Since that's what you want to bring to eVo.

Dinobro123- Stuff like aikido, tk, ABD, and brushu and all the other various Shu's. I'm no pro in, so i wouldn't be fit to judge whether your good or not in that area, but nothing stood out to me. So I really can't say yes, but i really can't say no? So i'll leave that to someone else.

Kolkonut- Same thing ^

Kurito- Post some replays or share some with an eVo member.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Hello... My name is WarHero67. My Belt is Orange, but I'm still working on that. I haven't had any encounters with other clans. What I bring to (eVo) is support,determination and another helping hand. I specialize In Martial Arts Sparring,Aikido,Mushu/Wushu and Judo. My first replay was for MAS, said replay was named MAS Quickspar. I haven't been referred to this clan by any of it's members. Things about me is that I gladly enjoy the freedom Toribash gives, the fact that Toribash Is made for everyone, no matter how different, and that I use most of my free time to think. I do not drink, nor do I swear. I vandalize style, meaning that I stay with the normal Tori, which to me is a great way to save Toricredits. Finally, the reason I chose to join Evolution is because I tend to seek clans that are somewhere in the middle, because I personally hate when It when others choose the best clans. That Is all.
Last edited by WarHero67; May 11, 2015 at 08:59 PM. Reason: I decided to add a little more detail.
Originally Posted by WarHero67 View Post
Finally, the reason I chose to join Evolution is because I tend to seek clans that are somewhere in the middle, because I personally hate when It when others choose the best clans. That Is all.

What do you mean, aren't we the best?
To each there own, obviously he doesn't know much about clans or the game.. he seems more of a "fanboy" then a realist.

We are teh bestest, duh
Last edited by Tripstone; May 13, 2015 at 05:09 AM.
Name:Aaron Russell
Past clans:NYAA TGS EMBER Roman
What do you most enjoy about Toribash?Replay making and GM Tourneys
What can you bring to [eVo]?:Replay making
Why choose [eVo]?I chose Evo because I think Evo is a cool clan because of some people ive seen ingame like Mocucha,Pr0ne,matakira etc
Tell us about yourself:Im 11 and im very athletic and i like sports+games
If an eVo member recommended you to join, please state his Username here:
replays!power punch.rpl

get flipped.rpl

never duck down.rpl

now you see him now you dont.rpl
Im back....... so yeah