Name: ZephAxix
GMT: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Past clans: Pacific
What do you most enjoy about Toribash?: Well, i enjoy learning about the movements and competing with other people. I also definitely like that in toribash, you can do things that might be physically impossible for me in real life(such as a flip). I also love decaps
What can you bring to [eVo]?: A great, friendly attitude and the willingness to learn ;)
Why choose [eVo]?: Well, ive seen a lot of people in EVO that are very advanced and very kind. I believe i could learn a lot from this clan(Im a blue belt but i hope i dont get docked points for that :/)
Tell us about yourself: Well, im a generally carefree but a times serious person who loooves to have fun and get better(or evolve). <----I also like making bad puns sometimes. I also like to have friends and get the feeling of acceptance you get when you join a group
Replays: Below(The first one was originally made for a tryout of a diff clan so plz dont be upset)
If an eVo member recommended you to join, please state his Username here: None
I hope i make it!I am just a blue belt tho but i hope that doesnt matter ;)
Ingame Name:
gmt +1 (Germany)
Past clans:
What do you most enjoy about Toribash?
Definenitely Multiplayer. Especially when stoned.
What can you bring to [eVo]?:
Awesome skills in aikido, lenshu, tk and kickboxing;)
Why choose [eVo]?
eVo has always been my favorite. but i never applied cuz i thought i was too bad.
But now im pretty sure i am a dope tb player and cool dude. I would fit in perfectly.

If I had 3 wishes they would be the following:
- ability to stop time
- timetravel back to Woodstock 69
- join eVo
Tell us about yourself:
Name is KK, im 21 yo and law student. I live in western germany (thats the "work work work" part of germany)

PS im in love with Torio and i worship Tripstone. Cuz hes Gahd.
Last edited by Oaky; May 28, 2015 at 09:26 PM.
evil Führer of Evil
XanEarl Application! Please Read!
Name: XanEarl(In Game)... Sebastian Kreul(IRL).
GMT: I am so sorry what is GMT? If it is asking where my timezone is... US Eatern!
Past clans: Steel
What do you most enjoy about Toribash? I just love the physics, dismemberments, and the competition!
What can you bring to [eVo]?: I am very good at Greykido and have won several tourneys. I am not the best at parkour bt I can try if someone helps me!
Why choose [eVo]? I love the prefix and the people look very skilled.
Tell us about yourself: I am 14, love the game, and I am on quite a bit. If I see anyone in the same lobby as me I will try as hard as I can to get to talk to them. I am very social and love talking.
Replays: As I said, Greykido is my specialty and I can learn parkour if someone helps me!
If an eVo member recommended you to join, please state his Username here: Nope, just saw this clan and want to join!
Attached Files
DOS Flips!.rpl (52.2 KB, 3 views)
koo.rpl (41.3 KB, 3 views)
Starting off.rpl (171.3 KB, 4 views)
Name: Nicholas

GMT: -5:00

Past clans: ( There are a lot of clan I've been in , that died/left ) Sm0ke , Sparring Nation , Kill n Chill , Xp , Ninja Hood , Vector, etc...

What do you most enjoy about Toribash?: What I admire about this game the most is the wonders of replaymaking and video editing.

What can you bring to [eVo]?:As of now , what I can bring from joining the clan , are my skills in replaymaking... I will start video editing someday.

Why choose [eVo]? Ever since I started playing this game , I've then recognize that this clan is really well coordinated... And I want join because how good you guys are , I feel like being part of the fun with you guys , and with my friends that have joined... Just be one with this online family

Tell us about yourself: Me , well... I'm pretty much a gamer... Almost everyday , I pick up my controller/pc or games , and play all day long ( which is unhealthy , I know x3 ). But besides that , I'm also going to be getting into bowling sometime soon , hopfully. Now let's get into my sad story from when I was young... So to start , I was a kid like anything other... Playing around , doing things I'm not suppose. "Don't touch that" or "Don't play with that" or "Don't eat that"... Then one day , my mother had to go to work , and my big brother and sister had to watch me while she was gone. It dawned them that I wasn't feeling well... Later , my mother comes home , my brother and sister tells her I'm not doing too good... She try's everything to help make me feel better , so she decided to take me to the hospital. The doctor was trying to figure out what was wrong... Later , they found out that I had a common Japan/Korean disease called "kawasaki". According to the text I found on a different website ,"Kawasaki disease is an illness that involves the skin, mouth, and lymph nodes, and most often affects kids under age 5. The cause is unknown, but if the symptoms are recognized early, kids with Kawasaki disease can fully recover within a few days. Untreated, it can lead to serious complications that can affect the heart. Kawasaki disease is most common among children of Japanese and Korean descent, but can affect all ethnic groups". I was blessed that the doctors found out right away , and they immediately started treating it. But at that point , there were some complications of me having brain damage as well ( some how ). After those horrific days have past , I was getting 100% better...But the doctors told my mom that I had to re-learn EVERY little thing she's ever taught me , coming up to the age of 3 ( which wasn't a big deal ). But I also had speech problems , too...Ever since the illness was no more , my mother was so afraid of letting me play outside. So instead , she bought me a few games to keep me occupied , and I've been playing games ever since ( I fairly good at them too )...

Replays: The replays I can show you , are from my replay thread. I haven't had my laptop for 2 months , and its still being repaired...

If an eVo member recommended you to join, please state his/her Username here: Tripstone
Last edited by youngsandm; Jun 10, 2015 at 05:06 AM.
"Joining ormo should not be seen primarily as an achievement but as an indication of what your future could be". ~Pusga
@silversun, youngsandm : I'm glad to see you guys here, of course you both have my yes. Silversun for being an amazing guy and a great player and also my good and old friend. Same for youngsandm, a high skilled replaymaker, and a loyal, respectful and great guy, also my old fella. In my opinion, surely we can trust in both of them, so. YES. <3
@XanEarl: Your name sounds familiar to me, find me in-game so we can play and hang out sometimes.
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3

I appreciate it , Thanks man.
"Joining ormo should not be seen primarily as an achievement but as an indication of what your future could be". ~Pusga
eVo application
name: crusher600, (in progress of changing it to Gravity waiting for gm to pm back)
GMT: -4:00
what do you most enjoy about toribash:
what i love most about toribash is the freedom of motion, the balance of the game is imperfect but at the same time so perfect. your skill is based off of what you know not of some OP gun or weapon or item, the smarter you are and the more knowledge you obtain and how you use it while playing can make or break you in this game. every win is earned and not given by some outrageous mechanic of the game, this brings a little sense of satisfaction with every win
what can you bring to eVo: what i can bring to eVo is a highly skilled aikidobigdojo player that is very humble in victory and accepting in defeat
why choose eVo: my choice is eVo because my experience while playing with eVo members was a wonderful experience, the clan is full of mature friendly people who are down to earth, and not to mention all extremely good at something in toribash, from sparring to aikido. also im looking for a respectable clan to make my permanent home,
current belt:7th dan black belt
past clans and reason for leaving:godly(died) Nitro(immaturity issues with clan members), Ne (died), ICE (died)
a little about myself:
My name is Michael Jones, you can call me mike if you like. I was born in the small town of danville, VA, on February 11, 1997. I am 18 years of age and freshly graduated from highschool. I started life in the suburbs of the town (pretty much the hood of danville) and shortly after my birth, my family moved to the country. I have spent the last 17 years of my life growing up on the farm that we moved too. I am a very outgoing person that loves to be around and talk to other people. I can get along with almost anyone and have a nack for trying to make everyone as cheerful and happy as i possibly can.

As i stated before i live on a farm in the country so im a little bit redneck, not to the far extent of racism i just listen to a little country music here and there and go hunting and fishing during the summer and winter. I also enjoy riding four-wheelers and spending some good times with my friends. I also enjoy playing basketball and watching the sport. My favorite college team is the Virginia Cavaliers (Go WAHOOS!), and my favorite NBA team is the Miami Heat.

I started my video gaming career when i around the age of 12, back when halo 3 came out and i just got my new xbox360, thats where i came up with the gamertag crusher600. I chose this name because when i was younger on one of my sports games somebody had a name crusher that was extremely good at the game so i guess my 12 year old self wanted to be like him in a way. i continued to game on console for years to come meeting lots of people some that i still play with to this day on PC forming an internet family with them of sorts. i got into PC gaming at about the age of 16, i got an IBUYPOWER comp for christmas and still use the same one today. recently because of a ex-girl that wont go away, spending time with friends and a recent murder of a family member i havent been as active but i will increase this activity if possible or if needed, if i am accepted into eVo.

i started my toribash experience in 2012 while watching some youtube videos from chilledchaos and LesDuncan, i played till i was a black belt over a 2 month period but never got into the competitive play or the mod aikidobigdojo that i would later find 3 years later upon my return to the game. when i came back to the game last november i was only a black belt and ranked in the millions, fresh start and a raw player eager to learn, i met a player brutallegacy that mentored me through my starting phases of playing in the big dojo. I stayed talking and playing with him until my first clan i was in (godly) died. After godly died i was talking to an old friend FlyAce who has my respect as a player and a person for helping through a few things i have delt with over this last year, and i joined [Nitro]. Unfortunately i had some issues with a few players from the clan being just immature and making offensive jokes and comments towards me so i left. After i left Nitro i went looking for a permanent home to go to, i thought that i would find this in the clan (ne) i joined and all was going well until i went off on a business trip came back and when i got on my comp to look at the clan thread only to find i was the only member in ne left. Then I was introduced me to the person that really influenced my game and worked with me a lot, Liar (also known as hentai but im sure yall know that by now). Liar taught me how to stay alive and the basics of the game playing with me and letting me adapt his style of kneeing and in-explainable saves and dms. i recently was invited to his clan of ICE where i wanted my permanent home to be, unfortunately i was just given the news that the clan has just like almost all my other had died. So now i find myself once again looking for a permanent home that i am hoping to find in [eVo]. thank you for reading and considering my application have a blessed day .

replays: my replay can be found below
player recommendations: none but players who influenced me to want to join eVo were PsyT and NoSBoH
Attached Files
FUCKING REKT.rpl (91.1 KB, 17 views)
HOLY SHIT.rpl (85.3 KB, 6 views)
knee split.rpl (57.7 KB, 7 views)
boom hit bitch.rpl (55.4 KB, 6 views)
beautiful.rpl (47.0 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Gravity; Jun 12, 2015 at 01:53 AM. Reason: increase in belt