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The problem with nicotine is that even if it is good for you in little doses, small amounts can get you hooked and develop a psychological and physical dependancy on an outside source. It's much better to avoid nicotine in general, along with any other addictive substances.

Though I do approve at least of reducing the possible damage done to smokers. Plus, if you have a girlfriend who smokes e-cigs she doesn't have a mouth that tastes like an ash tray.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Too much ice cream isn't bad for you? What if you ate enough ice cream to become extremely overweight and possibly die of a heart attack?

Not to put this thread off topic. But seriously, anything is bad for you if you have too much.


a couple things that won't kill you if you have to much of
[in all seriousness]

eat that for breakfast and call it waffles

all i can think of though
Originally Posted by ATM View Post

a couple things that won't kill you if you have to much of
[in all seriousness]

i disagree. if you have too much kindness and you suddenly stop, people will have high expectations, and possibly kill you or something.

Kinda stretching it right there, tho.
Originally Posted by Chip View Post
i disagree. if you have too much kindness and you suddenly stop, people will have high expectations, and possibly kill you or something.

Kinda stretching it right there, tho.

Unless their kindness haterz..other than that i've never seen anyone going mentally insane because someone was nice..and if you were always nice then you would never lower an expectation..although someone could get madly jealous and rip your throat out...but i highly doubt someone would do that
Originally Posted by ATM View Post
Unless their kindness haterz..other than that i've never seen anyone going mentally insane because someone was nice..and if you were always nice then you would never lower an expectation..although someone could get madly jealous and rip your throat out...but i highly doubt someone would do that

you never know. i heard about a guy on myspace who got killed because people liked him alot. The other guy was jealous. the guy who got killed was always being nice.

Thats wat i heard anyway.

This thread is getting off topic.

So, anyway, those smokes (er...vapors...)... how do they work?
Originally Posted by Chip View Post
you never know. i heard about a guy on myspace who got killed because people liked him alot. The other guy was jealous. the guy who got killed was always being nice.

Thats wat i heard anyway.

This thread is getting off topic.

So, anyway, those smokes (er...vapors...)... how do they work?

you put a nicotine cartridge in it and smoke it like a normal cig. except instead of smoke it creates water vapor, i guess to make you feel like you are doing something more than sucking on a stick.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
you put a nicotine cartridge in it and smoke it like a normal cig. except instead of smoke it creates water vapor, i guess to make you feel like you are doing something more than sucking on a stick.

i guess that makes sense. And if nicotine is good for you in small amounts, i might have to try this. like, once.
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
Some e-cig's claim to be intermediary things to help stop smoking, but official health orgs disagree.

This is just another way to make money and exploit the people's weaknesses. Does anyone really believe they're doing this because they're compassionate and worried about public health? Or because they seek to improve the quality of your life? No! Y'all should get real, this isn't charity - its really far from that. This market have always been a snake industry that feeds on lies, deception and unethical methodology to make a profit. Just like the tobacco industry itself.

They won't hesitate to lie in order to achieve their petty objectives.

Last edited by GenkiSudo; Jun 21, 2009 at 02:52 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by Chip View Post
i guess that makes sense. And if nicotine is good for you in small amounts, i might have to try this. like, once.

Yeah, it's just as gross as real smoking. I tried some a few hours ago.
oh ya and when you suck in to get the vapor the tip lights up with a light lol. Oh my parents didnt quit though, they did for like a month then they was like omg omg I gettin so fat we need smoke so we not fat!!! D: D: YAY heres some moar sigrates lets smoke em to lose weight!

My parents are retarded -_-...