Rainbows would be just a random rainbow texture.
Happiness would be sort of a lightish gold. #F4F482
/-\ /\/ |) /-\
goOh, and there's no way for POV-Ray to determine which blood comes from who (atleast I'm pretty sure there isn't, I'll do some experiments), so either you'll have to decide on one of them, or i could randomly distribute textures on the blood (might look weird, but might look good :P).

Oh, and one more thing. If you want me to make really realistic clouds, the .inc will take like a couple of hours to render, so would not-so-realistic clouds do?
Last edited by claxor; Jul 15, 2007 at 06:44 PM.
Ok, I have just bought a key, so I will make Groad's request, but it'll be the last (might make others sometimes though )