Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Qegola View Post
As is official, I am right now top of the !1337 leaderboard. Woo.

This actually rocks, even if incomplete.

Some might call the !1337-command cynical and unethical.. i call it highly entertaining and profitable
Cynicism and ethics are the enemies of profit, corporatians and capitalism.

But hey, we're not here to judge you, only that damn fine thing you've created.
"No Connection" has now been fixed, and should instead report as ToriTV in your server-browser.

1. Have the name of the ToriTV server be: ToriTV: <station name>
2. Instead of showing the names of the players playing and spectating the original server, maybe it would be better to show only the first two (red & blue) and the spectators will contain only those watching ToriTV (as spectators)
3. Not display chat messages of players not watching ToriTV.
Originally Posted by Stilf View Post

1. Have the name of the ToriTV server be: ToriTV: <station name>
2. Instead of showing the names of the players playing and spectating the original server, maybe it would be better to show only the first two (red & blue) and the spectators will contain only those watching ToriTV (as spectators)
3. Not display chat messages of players not watching ToriTV.

All of these are highly possible (some might require a bit more work than the others), but all in all it should be doable. Ill look into it when im done with my current project.

Thanks for the feedback
