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[Promo-Team] Create an Event Competiton
Promo-team's Create an Event Competiton

The winner of this competition will have their competition dream realized, and then help to judge it, all under the funding and guidance of the Promo-Team®.

The rules are simple, this must be a creative, original competition.
This competition must be Toribash related.
This can be any be ANY kind of competiton.
The deadline is two weeks from today.

PRIZES: 1st: 30k
2nd 15k
And of course, the chance to host this competiton.
Good luck!
Last edited by evets; Jul 16, 2009 at 05:22 PM.
Or you can have an Obstacle course competition.For example there this show on G4 called "Ninja Warrior"maybe u could build a replica of the course and have contestants try to clear it in the less amount of frames.
Kendrick13's Shop<--------
my idea is the toribash king compoticion were any one can enter and only the best comes out on top and gets the title of the toriking this happend once a year and the title of toriking should come up were it says the belt you are. that would be a great title to have dont u think
Hey heres my idea

What about a competition where you post funny hilariuos replays! like you and uke throwing a head at each other, or som other funny misc. replays.
You can use any mod you want to and change all the game rules if you like!

makk has cookies
How about a Toribash Music Video?
Winner: 1st=10k tc
2nd=5k tc
ps: if i have to get the money, i won't host this event

Indonesian? | Polly wants a signature. Squawk!
Originally Posted by 40till5 View Post
The Toribash Item Icon Contest.

. Create new custom Item Icon "Templates" for the colored items in Tori shop.

. You must create one template for each of the items that can be colored (13 in all I belive).

. Show examples of how the templates looks when filled in.

. Compile all templates & the font used, then compress them.

. Add a link to your compressed templates (.zip or .rar only)

. Image Size: 64x64


These templates will be used in Torishop to replace the old icons as well as fixing the ones that are now missing.

We want this to be very easy for the promo team each time a new color is released.

Must have a template for each item type above:
Example of a new Item icon ( not a template):

This one is the best imo.
It requires the most skill, imagination and it is very unique.
I thought of a contest, but it is way stupid and will never compare with this one.
[Realism]Hi-Jump Kick
Person Should get a cap or split with at least 15k points
with a high jump kick.:V
UTM 4ever |4bb ÝÕ ÔÛï áÛÐÑÐÚÞÒ

So I thought about this when I was doodling and not listening to my History Teacher. What about combining both Replay comps and art comps....

The main objective is first to make an outstanding replay then you make an either awesome render or anything related to comps. Partnerships are allowed but BOTH must work on each replay and art.

Example is first you make a madman with a 300 frame limit and 150 dismember threshold, next, you either take a screenshot of the pose with all the dismemberments along the floor or you render it with a pose.

No replay haxing
No art haxing
Toribash art of color:

There would be two teams

team 1:colors from toribash

team 2:colors from out of toribash

each person would get a teamate from the other team

the objective is to make a texture set with the colors they are given example:

Team 1:smashslice,blahaaa,smile2

Team 2:IrmantasX,Ofillusion,iznogood

Smashslice And IrmantasX

Smashslice you get toxic
IrmantasX you get to pick your color!

And so they now have to think of and make a texture set with those colors in it and make it look good!
I am a prime tori. Why don't i have toriprime?