Originally Posted by steveirwin View Post
Swine flu is in the same vein as all the other media frenzy viruses:


These guys forgot about the avian flu already! Incredible...
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
mainly hiv
It usually effects people with a weakened immune system such as somebody with HIV. Healthy people will get it but they shouldn't die from it so we're not all going to diethere's more of a chance to be murdered in South Africa than dying from swine flu
Well, my mum and bro both have it right now, but the doctor put them on antibiotics and they're doing fine.
They say that the Swine Flu is going to be worse this Fall-Winter... My sister had it and she was fine. :]

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

It's going to spread more then b4 because of school, and the winter seasons, as already stated. WE ALL HAVE TO GET TO MADAGASCAR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Swine flu is imo kind of new brand to get ppl attention from financial crisis.=/
Originally Posted by Drakhir View Post
That's right. If people sneeze and cough on you, you won't get sick because you washed your hands! There's no need for vaccines too because your soap will do the job.

On a serious note, blah. In Portugal there are some "infected", but it's nothing too serious.

NO NO NO! If people sneeze on you and you get the spit in you, or inhale the sneeze or cough, you still get sick! ARE YOU RETARDED?!? All you have to do is bassicaly keep your personal hygene up and carry around some Purell. Just make sure to keep yourself clean!
Last edited by WolverineWepX; Aug 19, 2009 at 10:27 PM.
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He was being sarcastic, genius.

Swine Flu is a hyped-up brand of the flu, not lethal unless you're a toddler or in bad health already. Meh.
Originally Posted by a32609816231148 View Post


Anyways the swine flu is no more dangerous then a regular flu. Over half of sweden is going to be infected. And only a few are going to die, if any.
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