Time To Jump - Flipping contest .: 5,000 tc :.
Here you should post your replays about your flips, jumps and/or spins. The most amazing one wins. The winner gets
at least 5,000 toricredits, it may rise later on.
- only gravity mods are allowed besides default.tbm
- no dancing replays
- no madman replays
- combos mean a + for you
- high gravity mod means a + for you
- the more your moves look like the real ones, the more chance you have to win
- If you post a replay with custom gravity, include the .tbm file too.
- You might not do combos, you might use low gravity mod and it could still be awesome, so don't hold yourselves back, send 'em replays!
Contest ends:
Last edited by TheProphet; Aug 22, 2007 at 04:14 AM.
Reason: contest over