Secret Santa 2024
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[Promo-Team]Replay Hacking Competition - NO madmans please

Hey you! Yes you there... I've seen you. You're good at replay making arent you?! I know. But... are you good at HACKING replays?

Yes thats right: No Madman Replay Competition - Hacking allowed. You're probably wondering whats this all about? Well, here it is, the rules that is:
  • 2 replays per person
  • No stealing replays
  • No classic madmans (ripping and gripping)
  • Preferably no gripping
  • Maximum of 1000 frames per replay
  • No old replays
  • HACKING ALLOWED!!! (finally)

I want you to create a replay that will include some nice destruction. Not a classic "rip uke's limbs off" but more of a replay that features moves that are humanly impossible to perform (except old kung fu masters ). That includes some hacking of course.

Here is some help: hacking tutorial

Replays are to be named in this order: "Username_Replayname.rpl". All replays that are not named like that are not valid.

and i added a reference replay just so you know what can be done with hacking replays (im using nuthug's replay cause it was the only one that i could find.)

Ending date: 3 weeks from today...
Judges: yet to be announced

Hack on!

Oh right...the prizes:

1st: 80k
2nd: 50k
3rd: 20k
Attached Files
hhorny2.rpl (49.6 KB, 360 views)
Last edited by evil; Sep 21, 2009 at 01:37 AM.
evil, you haven't answered my other question.
What date did you post your main post? It just jumps from 1 week ago to 2 weeks ago.
Originally Posted by evil View Post
no you cannot post 3 replays...i mean you can but i will take only 2. so just post 2 replays and be done with it. xD

@DeeJayy: try hacking the replay so the hands get back to you on your wrists like they were never broken. ;)


I was lazy, so I just set the co-ordinates to the elbow. Getting them back to where they belong would be REALLY time consuming, as it's all trial and error.
Then the next hard part would be making sure they are at the right angles so they aren't facing the wrong way etc. <---- I don't know how to do that D:
Also, I don't think there's a way to make my wrists 'un-dismember'. If there was, that would help shitloads.
Originally Posted by DeeJayy741 View Post

I was lazy, so I just set the co-ordinates to the elbow. Getting them back to where they belong would be REALLY time consuming, as it's all trial and error.
Then the next hard part would be making sure they are at the right angles so they aren't facing the wrong way etc. <---- I don't know how to do that D:
Also, I don't think there's a way to make my wrists 'un-dismember'. If there was, that would help shitloads.

No, there is no way to un-dismember joints. If you type in FRACT 0; 10 11, then the replay will glitch and your joints will never DM.

You could delete the CRUSH 0; 10 11 commands and save it as a separate replay. The replay will glitch, and Tori will teleport a lot, but if you go to the frame you wanted your wrists to teleport to, Tori should pop up in the same place, wrists and all intact. However, you have to make sure that there are POS and QAT lines at that frame in the replay. If not, then go to that frame (in the actual REAL replay) and grabby hands to enable the POS and QAT lines.

****, I forgot that the POS and QAT include the current positions of the hands, which would cause the un-DMed wrists to teleport and Tori to spaz out.

You could improvise by making a separate replay with the same pose and all, and copy the QAT into the hacked REAL replay at the right frame. You'd then have to just use trial and error to shift the POS of the hands to the right place.
Last edited by GuardianDuo; Oct 9, 2009 at 03:54 AM.
Damn. I wish I noticed this earlier.
I have an idea, be prepared...

Also, thanks for this contest... :D
Last edited by Tonakai; Oct 9, 2009 at 05:15 PM.
you have thinking of prolonging this a bit more so there is time for all the entries...

Originally Posted by evil View Post
im thinking of prolonging this a bit more so there is time for all the entries...

sad faic. This is gonna take forever, and most people will have more than 2 ideas for replays. Are you sure you want only 2 per person?
Haha I'm on to this. Going to do one tomorrow maybe.

EDIT: Made one today. Haha it was fun. A magic teacher kills his student. Um, it's a bit big sorry for that lol.
Attached Files
Dodekus_MeanMagicTeacher.rpl (240.3 KB, 104 views)
Last edited by Dodekus; Oct 10, 2009 at 02:09 PM.