I dont liek this game :F
theres too much suff to concentrate and memorize on for me:
Chaining enemies, picking up every jewel (medal system), picking up every letter, picking up every powerup, dodging every special event item, dodging every enemy (yeah, invisible spawning shit), dodging every bullat, milking bosses, speed scoring system, stuff D:
Also, I die alot for no reason when im pissed (messes up concentration on all of these, obviously).
I'll get to stage 5 before contest ends tho.
Since i was pissed off at blazing star, i decided to play one game of ESP Ra.De. again because i love that game, and I got to level 5 again with basically the same score as last time
(got through level 4 quite nicely, beat the train and the miniboss tbefore it without trouble)