For each round lost, the respective player will be
penalized 1 league point
A match is now composed of 5 rounds. It is no more a run to 3. You HAVE to play 5 rounds for your match to be valid.
If you already posted matches with less than 5 rounds, please redo the match, and accept my apologies for the inconvenience.
Note :
If you change your nickname, please PM me and your opponents asap. It is hard to track down the new nicknames and this could result in you being kicked out from the league.
Known nick changes:
steveirwin => Changed name to steve, contact steve
ardgevald => Changed name. Don't know the new name. Please pm me as soon as possible.
Pab10 => changed his name to pablo, contact pablo
Fubuki => Changed his name to Rafufu, contact rafufu
All this has been PMed to participants, and edited in the first post.