Hey, I dont think I'm ready for a clan, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I only have one decent replay of me, and I have to thank Tamer for helping me perfect it. I still have alot to learn, and I realize that, so I expect to be declined, at least for now. Anyway, here ya go!
Belt~ Blue
In-game name~ Cretor
Specialty (Such as, texture maker, video maker, etc.)~ Marketting (I have a youshop with over 150 visits, 90K earned, and 24 items sold)
Edit: Please note, do NOT expect the quality of that replay below always from me. I'm not really that good, and that was sort of a spur of the moment sort of thing.
Last edited by Cretor; Oct 25, 2009 at 03:49 AM.