i would, but tribals are usually just brushes, it would look weird. i'm thinking more of just a simpler robot, not really a robot i guess, but almost cartoon style. i need ideas for color schemes and such.

maybe if you think of something cool and want a set that looks like it, i'll try.

probably not something complicated like crysis suit or terminator tho.
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Heh, Ok. Not all tribals are brush spam though, there are some really good ones. Also, if you like cartoon style, you can look at some of Mrama's work for inspiration. I'm not exactly sure what kinda style Mrama has, but it seems somewhat cartoony.
Man, I cant wait to get this set. 8 days is a long wait though =/. Any chance in shortening it? =D
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

nah you're not allowed to change the autobuy dates i don't think. and i don't want to work off somebody else's work, but if you find any pictures from games, or anything else non-toribash related art or something, i can try ti imitate that. if not, i'll just start on some random sets lol.

for instance, that

but there is so little to work with there, plus it would be really hard with the shape and all.
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Originally Posted by Cretor View Post
for inspiration

I'm not telling you to work off of someone else, just telling you to check it out. Maybe you'll think of something neat, and can apply your own skill and make it happen. Anyway, I'll see if I can find some picture for you to look at as well. I'm just bored, trying to find something to do. If only there was some online, brutal, fighting game that you could control each joint of the player, that would entertain me =D.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

yeah, i've seen mrama's work, it's great, but i'm not sure i do that kind of style. i'll try and post some examples of my work.
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huh, that's odd. i was going to move my AS-IS set here, but i can't seem to find it. the search is being weird, even when i search my name.

if anyone can find it please post a link here.
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here ya go
i like the second set alot, verry nice
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i've found one to make. but i have some q's i usually make darker sets, but they often don't sell well, even though they look awesome. should i make a lighter set with this, or keep it dark and awesome?

would that look good? more importantly, would you buy it? and for how much?
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I recommend posting that ^ in its own thread in art/videos. They'll tell you what to do. And, if any mods read this, is it possible to reduce end dates? As I would like to receive the set, as it appears no one else is bidding
Vibacious - - Get vibin'