I just found this split in SP:
- Default settings.
Right rotation chest
Right bending lumbar
Contract abs
Contract glutes
Contract left hip
Contract left knee
Extend right hip
Extend right ankle
Space x2
Extend left knee

It's done
Last edited by pal; Feb 18, 2010 at 04:51 PM. Reason: Forgot step
Default Settings
Simple Split
I found a pretty cool split.
Relax all
Contract left hip
Extend right hip
Contract left knee
Left rotate chest

Space x2

Extend left knee

there u go it looks like this.
Try It!

Uke split in half up to his abs.
Tori:20762(Wait until about frame 430)Uke:5491(Wait until about frame 410)
Attached Files
Simple Split.rpl (11.0 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by LbbEN99; Feb 20, 2010 at 01:44 PM.
Hopefully 9fipo2 doesn't mind. :p

Originally Posted by 9fipo2 View Post
I have a move that I kind of like :)

Engage distance 100
Gravity 0 0 -9.82

relax all
extend both glutes
extend left hip
contract right hip
right rotate chest
contract left pecs
extend right pecs


contract left ankle
extend left knee
extend right knee
left rotate chest
extend left pecsd
contract right pecs


contract right knee
lower right shoulder
grab right hand

Space x2

Raise right shoulder


drop right hand


Continue as u want to

Ukes right knee and ukes right pecs are ripped of
Scores 6084 Uke, 33261 Tori

After the last space after the "drop right hand"...

Right bend lumbar
Extend right pecs
Relax left glute
Contract left hip
Contract left knee

Space x2

Left bend lumbar
Extend left glute
Hold left hip
Relax left ankle
Extend right knee


Right bend lumbar
Extend abs
Extend right elbow
Contract left glute
Extend left hip


Left bend lumbar
Contract abs
Extend left glute
Extend left knee

Uke's right knee and Uke's right pecs are ripped off, plus neck.
Scores: 16 705 Uke, 111 286 Tori

Originally Posted by 9fipo2 View Post
I have another one, a little like deadys arm remover :P

Easiest Punch

Engage distance 100
Gravity 0 0 -9.82

relax all
right rotate chest
contract left elbow
hold left wrist


contract left pecs
extend left elbow


Ukes left arm is ripped of
points uke 0 you 12678

After the last movements...


Grip left hand
Hold left shoulder
Contract left elbow
Contract right elbow
Extend right wrist


Hold all
Left rotate chest
Contract left pecs
Contract left elbow
Contract right pecs
Raise right shoulder
Extend right elbow
Extend right wrist


Ungrip left hand
Relax left elbow


Uke's right pecs and head severed
Scores: Uke 0, Tori 68 460

Originally Posted by TBashed View Post
I just found this split in SP:
- Default settings.
Right rotation chest
Right bending lumbar
Contract abs
Contract glutes
Contract left hip
Contract left knee
Extend right hip
Extend right ankle
Space x2
Extend left knee

It's done :)

Are you sure you typed it right? Because it doesn't work for me.
It kicks the shoulder weakly without even dismembering it.
Yes i did tonakai. *Default settings: 100 engage distance, 0.00 0.00 -9.82 gravity* *start relaxed*

Attached Files
replay1.rpl (11.0 KB, 21 views)
Last edited by pal; Feb 20, 2010 at 09:50 PM.
Ah, start relaxed.
That's what I missed... Lol.
That's pretty much the reason why I put "Relax All" at the start :v

Anyways, thanks. :D
simple arm rip opener

contract pecs
contract right hip
extend left hip
extend left ankle
grabby hands
extend right hip
This one is a super simple one but rips off uke right leg:
Mod classic
Engagement 100
nothing else
Relax all
Extending left pecs
Contracting right pecs
Lowering left shoulder
Left rotating chest
Left bending lumbar
Extending both glutes
Contracting left hip
Extending right hip



No more uke leg
Heres how it looks like if it doesnt work pls tell me and i will try to fix it
Attached Files
#Darksid3 example ^^.rpl (38.7 KB, 9 views)
dArKsId3 - Best dumbass ever;A guy - who??;dArKsId3 - Me you dumbass
the hampa kick
set distance to 215

hold all
raise right shoulder
contract right pecs
extend left pecs
left rotate chest
extend left glute
extend right hip
relax right knee
extend right ankle

space x 4

contract right hip
contract right knee
contract right ankle
extend right glute
extend right pec
lower right shoulder

space x 1

extend right knee
extend right ankle

result: BOOM Ukes head soars through the air gracefully while the rest of Uke collapses unscathed
[Pure], wanna join?
Reversed Power Splitcap:
Engage distance: 200
Gravity: 0.00 0.00 -9.82
Match frames: 500
Turn frames: 10
Start Relax
Contract left pecs
Extend right pecs
Hold shoulders
Right rotation chest
Right bending lumbar
Contract left hip
Space x5
Extend right hip
Left bending lumbar
Left rotation chest
Extend left pecs
Space x5
Contract right pecs
Space x4
Contract right knee
Extend right ankle
Extend right glute
Space x1
Extend left glute
Extend left hip
Extend left knee
Contract right hip
Contract abs
Right bending lumbar
Right rotation chest
Contract left pecs
Extend right pecs
Space x1
Extend right hip
Extend right knee
Space x1
Contract right knee
Contract left hip
Contract left knee
Contract elbows
Space x2
Left bending lumbar
Contract glutes
Extend right elbow
Extend abs
Space x1
Extend left hip
Space x1
Extend left ankle
Contract right ankle
Raise right shoulder
Extend left glute
Space x1
Contract right wrist
Space x1
Extend right glute
Contract right hip
Extend right ankle
Space x1
Contract abs
Contract left hip
Extend knees
Space x1
Extend right hip


Attached Files
Reverse Power Splitcap.rpl (57.0 KB, 69 views)

Contract knees
Relax ankles
Relax hips
Lower shoulders
Extend elbows
Extend wrists
Contract pecs
Contact abs
Space 6x
Extend knees
Raise shoulders
Grab hands
Space 5x
Extend ankles
Contract knees
Extend hips
Extend abs
Space 3x
Extend glutes
Extend knees
not dead