Bullying is an interesting topic.
See, I never got bullied per se. Nobody ever came up and tried to taunt me and then smack me in the nutsack. No sir. I went to an all boys school, and from what I remember, it was mainly guys being dickheads.
I was a bit of a recluse back in my day. I was more interested in computers than I ever was in socialising and all that wonky shit. So of course, when people stopped me in the corridors and said stuff like, "fuck you're a faeggot" - I felt like shit sometimes, because I just read too much into the situation.
Then one day I realised, I had friends, a good family, a good brain - what the fuck were these people smoking? So instead of ignoring everything around me I realised people really only called you shit for a simple reason of: making others laugh. When people laugh at your jokes, you feel good.
So, in math some guy kept flicking paper at me, so I turned around and threw a calculator right in his face and the look on his face was priceless - everyone laughed at him after he fell of his chair. Then reality kicks in and I get a detention, I mean what the fuck cunts.
That changed my perception on absolutely everything. These guys aren't bullying, they're fucking around. They take their own insecurities and sorta use the attitude of "who gives a fuck" which is absolutely pro. I realised "respect goes both ways".
Then, this idiot who I quite disliked (he looked like a horse, he fucking smiled like one) and he's coming up with his friends and I go "lol... your face is shit, you smile like a fucking horse". Mr I-Have-An-Awesome-Wit didn't have any come backs at all. He never said anything to me again. He's a nice guy these days though. I saw him in town and he bought me a beer :o (still looks like a horse)
But then the teachers started being GIGANTIC FUCKING HOMOSEXUALS WHO SHOULD PISS OFF AND DIE. Seriously, I had a note for wearing gym shoes,and I'm walking into assembly and this bitch comes up and starts screaming in my fucking ears. "YOU CAN'T WEAR THEM SHOES RARRR RARRRR" So what did I do? "HEY WHORE... FUCK OFF!". She's so absolutely shocked she just walks away. No trouble-o.
Then I started wagging them 15min morning roll things. Then another evil bitch comes running up to me and goes, "WHY AREN'T YOU IN CLASS? YOU THINK YOU'RE SO SMART" so I said, "Yeah?" and walked away. She never approached me again. Still, no trouble here either.
This kept happening, it made me open my eyes so much. Even in home-room, I'd go in, and then get in shit for not coming early. WAT? So half way through the year, I just stand up and walk straight up to this STUPID BRAINLESS teacher (my nose was an inch away from his face) and said, "It's not nice being hassled by wankers such as yourself." and walked out. From then on, I never got into trouble for being late or not turning up at all :o
Then eventually I am paid a visit by the principal and he starts screaming at me for being lazy or something and giving "attitude". He tells me to pack my bags and go home because he's suspending me. I look up (I was reading LOTR) and I go, "Respect goes both ways." and walked out of the Library. And fuck, he didn't suspend me... he never even spoke to me again until...
Lesson here... all you need to do is stop taking crap from anyone. You're at school to learn. If there's cunts in your class, leave. If the teachers scream at you because you left class, walk away from them (after telling them to fuck off). Always remember this, everywhere you go... "respect goes both ways". If you're 14 and you say that to a 50 year old teacher, they really stop dead in their tracks. If someone's being a faeg to you on the sports field or something...? Tell them they have a squeaky voice and walk away. Go home, find a computer, eat a pie in the principals office. It gives YOU the power to do/say anything, because you have an excuse! If a teacher goes "Why have you been swearing at teachers and walking away?" You reply with the truth. "Oh, I'm sick of being treated like shit. I feel like I am being bullied by teachers. Respect goes both ways".
If you can do that to the teachers, you won't have a problem with dealing with moronic students. They'll see you fighting your own fight. And a dude that fights his own fight, is a confident motherfucker. People don't fuck with confidence.