'ey, some cunt make me a hot signature, just what ever you want in it.

only thing i can say is, don't make it have a border. i want some stuff in it but no full up. for example, Fezchs is full to the brim and has a border.

^ see how it's not a rectangle full of stuff? It's just how it is.

if you can understand that you're a genius, i'll explain more later if i must. i've got some tc so yeh, i'll pay w/e
@Alan- what do you mean by "GFX" style? With more C4D's and the like?

@Corey- I'll require a bit more explanation.

@DSnub. Thanks, good luck with your sale!
Ahh don't worry about it, I was a bit passed it last night. Though, if you were to make me a signature, I want it to say Doxa and Toriagent in there somewhere. Color scheme to be orange (for obvious reasons) and I want it skinnier than 100, maybe 50?

Thanks Bwamp.
I'll hop to it soon, just finished Fezch's.

Doxa members get half off, so this'll be about 8k, Fezchie-poo.

And Alan:

You are teh clan leader, so I s'pose I can do yours for 75% off.

So 2.5-4k.

Also, 50 pixels is like, slightly larger than a userbar. You sure you want it that small? And any particular anime/game or can I go abstract and have some fun with it?
Ok, no problem.

Get in IRC so we can discuss the details.


Small Version:

Normal Version:
Last edited by Bwamp; Feb 14, 2010 at 02:16 AM.
Bwamp: That's not really, adequate to my style and mental needs.
Can I see what the Halo one looks like and then make my decision?
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD