Congratulations to Patrick_Unrated and PlayerID666, who furiously made kicks for 3 pages straight trying to beat the other. This thread can be locked now.
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Nov 16, 2007 at 12:22 PM.
Here's some of mine. Madman 2 has a few kicks at the beggining that are cool, other than that you don't have to watch it. 6 has kicks all through it so it may not count as being entered, but it might. It does have some cool ones.
PID666, If you are going to edit other peoples replays becuase you can't think of your own, at least change it to your own name. When you go to save the replay, right under you name it, you can change the name. Its not that hard.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.
"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."
Quote by-Unkown
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Here's 2 more i just made. They are the same except .2 has a slightly different ending(i don't hold ukes arm). I may try and make a better one based on the same move.
PID666, If you are going to edit other peoples replays becuase you can't think of your own, at least change it to your own name. When you go to save the replay, right under you name it, you can change the name. Its not that hard.
Ah, so you edit people's replays and then try to take credit for them.
I apologize.
I have morals and self-respect.