Whining? Ok thats it I'm leaving...

JC just for you to know that was a mistake to make him a leader.
I see this as the end of Omega.
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
Sagi... I didn't mean it like that...
But if you really want to go, bye.
I see no use of staying as I see it with you as leader the Clan will be closed soon or become just a "noob" clan like all the others.
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
lol Looks like you guys are having some problems (sagi, as usual... :P)

Anywayz, Gratz on the ldr thing ruad.
Itīs good to see that Omega is going somewhere.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Thanks fc, it's always good to hear from you. (:
Originally Posted by sagimeir2 View Post
Whining? Ok thats it I'm leaving...

JC just for you to know that was a mistake to make him a leader.
I see this as the end of Omega.

Aye well it wasn't really a choice, everyone wanted to leave so it was either disband Omega or let Ruadhan take over because he wanted to, so omega wouldn't be here if you look at it that way.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Wanted to?? Why I didnt wanted to? Ruad just quited and rejoined I dont even sure about the rejoining part and right after hes back you giving him the leader??

Discuss this in PM's, not here.

Last edited by Ruadhan; Apr 13, 2010 at 08:37 PM.
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
the main reason, as i see it is he was our ally and posted here frequently and we all got to know and like him. the past couple posts of yours don't leave much for us to like. just a lot of complainin
Originally Posted by Vex View Post
the main reason, as i see it is he was our ally and posted here frequently and we all got to know and like him. the past couple posts of yours don't leave much for us to like. just a lot of complainin

Thanks Vex.