View Poll Results: Which song do you want for the Video?
Pretender By The Foo Fighters
20 Votes / 80.00%
Lock By Albino Space Monkey
5 Votes / 20.00%
Voters: 25. You may not vote on this poll
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[Vid]Replays Wanted
So I will be attempting to make my first video. I need replays to fill the video with so I have came here. I am looking for any and all replays you can give me. I will use any replays I think is suited to the vid. There is no limit to how many replays you can submit. Credits will be given to the people who's replays appear in the vid.
The song will be lock
or Pretender by the Foo Fighters
So submit your replays. Depending on which option you vote for the video will have different results.
So submit your replays today.
Okay the replay submission is over and I will start the vid.
Hagan was an hour late but I might use his replays.