Man, it's been a WHILE since the last art posted.
Well, I think I'll try to kick this thread off the ground again. ;)
Here's a Toribash Yu-Gi-Oh card I made a while back...
(I take no credit for the art)

Proud leader of VorteX

LOLOL nice Dal but the toris have the power of Chuck norris only 1800 attack is bad.

Also a newbie Signature i made for a friend in Wonderking... i know it sucks but

Just a screen shot with my name, i found out F8 can do great things, it took for ever for shaders to load aswell
Originally Posted by Reaper277 View Post
LOLOL nice Dal but the toris have the power of Chuck norris only 1800 attack is bad.

NOTHING has the power of Chuck Norris.
How DARE you!? XD

I gave him 1800 'cuz I wanted him to be a 4-Star, does seem to be a bit weak now that I think about it though. ._.
Proud leader of VorteX