This is my keyboard:
They keys use real springs, so it is a pleasure to type on and game with, you know exactly when you have pressed the key so you don't have to hammer the keys all the way down, and the springs quickly push they keys back up to normal level, so they are always ready to be pressed again.
In terms of ghosting, I have never had a problem and I have also never mis-hit the wrong key.
In terms of reliability, the machines which made this keyboard have been in use since the 70s, and the keyboards produced in the 70s still work today (even after daily use). You could literally beat someone to death with this keyboard (did I mention that it is heavy? It means it doesnt move around on your desk when you go mad) and it will still work after being put through the washing machine to remove all the blood.
Last edited by SlainVeteran; Jul 14, 2010 at 07:34 PM.