shiz jam give us newbie gfxers a chance at glory xD

heres my editted version

Last edited by Bloodude; Jan 6, 2008 at 10:17 AM.
Sad to say but I'm back.
Bloodude... That almost made me vomit... O.O
Jam, it's cool, but you are using your own and Pirate's head... I'd like them to be Tori's heads or a bloody head.
Maybe extending this "contest" a bit longer...
alright, i think I can edit that.
K, this is the hardest editing i have ever done, but I managed to put tori's head over the original head, and get the right lightsource etc, so it actually looks pretty good.
4 versions this time lol. if u buy mine i will give u all 4.
Last edited by Jam0864; Jan 7, 2008 at 02:24 AM.
Woops, I thought that I posted here already...
I have bought a wallpaper already from Anesthetik, much, MUCH blood there. ;p