Originally Posted by Blam View Post
i saw shite but thought... nah
so i only said nage :P

Nage seems good, but shite... lol.
(15:43) <Drakhir> Zaarock: everything is useless.
(15:43) <Blam> Drakhir: Including your penis
you made me cry chac. at least you put the accent on the e.
But i still think its important that two new colours are introduces as the colours for player 3 and 4.

edit: yo do know that in some countries shite is just another way of saying shit. they are not gonna put a character called shite in a computer game.
Thats would I said ron.. my mom says shite instead of shit sometimes..

JIN AND NAGE, JIN AND NAGE *chants* I don't think jathé because no one know what it me....

*gets pulled into the shadows by a shady figure with some pringles*
Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
Thats what the whole idea is about DUH .__.'s just my opinion D:
I remember when I made that fake 3-player toribash picture before 3.0 came out.

I don't really like how my 3rd player head looks, but at least it fit with the original style of the heads. I don't really like the ones in the first post of the topic because they don't fit with the tori and uke heads.

And on the topic of default names, the ones you're all coming up with are kind of... um.. how should I put this... ghey. For my picture, I chose yotogi because it meant something along the lines of bystander in Japanese, it was good for the situation. Tori and uke are Japanese for something like the receiver and executor of a technique. Jin (人) just means "a person" in Japanese (to my knowledge). Jalthe isn't even a Japanese word. Shite and Nage are probably the best names here.

Note: for all you people who don't know anything about Japanese pronunciation, Shite is pronounced She-tay and Nage is pronounced Nah-gay.

Anyways, consistency is nice. It's a bit hard to make up new names for two new fighters in a situation like this. There aren't really any more words that would make sense with receiver and executor, even less that would be short, easy to remember, words in Japanese.
Last edited by RbLcK; Jan 13, 2008 at 03:47 AM.

Well, I like them except Shite might be too close to another work. You know we have 9 year olds here (not to pick them out), and they might not know the difference, and say "Mommy I just punched shit in the face!"
It could possibly lead to controversies. I know my opinion was babbling but you have to admit it does make some sense.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around