Hey Bennie can i join
~ Name Tasha
~ Belt : White
~ Age 16
~ Location B.C Canada
~ Time Zone (If you don’t know it, look it up. Don’t make it up.) -08:00
~ Previous Clan(s)...
~ Why you want to join, cause Bens in this clan.
~ How long you play each day, don't usually play multiplayer but about 1hr or so
~ Anything else, no.
/me coughs up 128x128 full body textures and 45k tc.

Lol, okay. Good luck to you guys! ill try to stayin contact memo.
okay, ttyl. /me waves

also tasha, I'm not going to vote yes or no cause I'd be biased lol, i'll leave that to the other members.
Last edited by AgentP; Jan 6, 2011 at 04:49 AM.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
I'll consider it about Tasha. First I have a couple of questions that I will be taking through PM's. Then we will see about where that goes.
Toribash TakeOVER
<Colossus> ROFL
<Colossus> my friend got hit by a car
<Colossus> gonna go visit him. brb

[22:45:46] <Thorn> I know she likes it in the ear
[22:45:53] <Thorn> because when I put it to her mouth she turns away
hey memo! sorry for not being online lately. Been busy with school, first week and i get 2 projects =/ just pm me with any updates u want me to know about, i'll be checking my inbox with my iTouch. and glad to see more people here bein recruited and i could say yeah to Tasha but not that good of an app, left a no to the anything else.
~ Name-ltsonic
~ Belt-green
~ Age-18
~ Location- new jersey
~ Time Zone- (GMT)-5 eastern time
~ Previous Clan(s)-none
~ Why you want to join-to help the clan and get tips from other members
~ How long you play each day-5 hours or more
~ Anything else
-good at head textures, will trade items if needed.
selling head textures for 50 tc finishes fast.i currently need 1500 tc for head avatar[not texture, avatar].